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Alibaba Cloud ACA-Database Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ACA Database Exam
Exam Code: ACA-Database
Related Certification(s): Alibaba ACA Database Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ACA-Database practice questions in our database: 80 (updated: Feb. 04, 2025)

Expected ACA-Database Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Alibaba Cloud database products portfolio/ Basic concepts of database (SQL, index, view, transaction, log, etc.)
  • Module 2: Common operation of Alibaba Cloud database (database creation, basic operation and maintenance, monitoring, connection, etc.)
  • Module 3: Infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios of Alibaba cloud database: Tair (Redis enterprise version) and Apsara DB for MongoDB
  • Module 4: Database Overview/ Relational Database/ NoSQL/ Data Warehouse/ ADB database infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios
  • Module 5: From cloud native to cloud dedicate: MyBase database dedicated cluster/ Development history and future trend of database
  • Module 6: Core capabilities and basic operations of Alibaba Cloud database tools and utilities/ Fast construction of cloud native data
  • Module 7: Infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios of PolarDB, which is Alibaba Cloud Native database representative/ Mainstream tools include: ADAM, DTS, DMS, DBS
  • Module 8: DLA infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios/ Cloud database edition and engine selection how-to


Exam Name: ACA Database Exam
Exam Code: ACA-Database
Related Certification(s): Alibaba ACA Database Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ACA-Database practice questions in our database: 80 (updated: Feb. 04, 2025)

Expected ACA-Database Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Alibaba Cloud database products portfolio/ Basic concepts of database (SQL, index, view, transaction, log, etc.)
  • Module 2: Common operation of Alibaba Cloud database (database creation, basic operation and maintenance, monitoring, connection, etc.)
  • Module 3: Infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios of Alibaba cloud database: Tair (Redis enterprise version) and Apsara DB for MongoDB
  • Module 4: Database Overview/ Relational Database/ NoSQL/ Data Warehouse/ ADB database infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios
  • Module 5: From cloud native to cloud dedicate: MyBase database dedicated cluster/ Development history and future trend of database
  • Module 6: Core capabilities and basic operations of Alibaba Cloud database tools and utilities/ Fast construction of cloud native data
  • Module 7: Infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios of PolarDB, which is Alibaba Cloud Native database representative/ Mainstream tools include: ADAM, DTS, DMS, DBS
  • Module 8: DLA infrastructure, core functions and application scenarios/ Cloud database edition and engine selection how-to


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Q1. Which of the following databases are supported by DTS (Database Transmission Service)? (Number of correct answers: 3)


B. SQL Server

C. PostreSQL

D. DB2

Correct Answer: A, B, C

Q2. Your DTS (Data Transmission Service) migration has failed halfway through: what options do you have? (Number of correct answers: 2)

A.Delete your DTS instance and start over

B. Restart the migration task from the console

C. Your database can't be migrated: you need to abandon the migration

D. You need to switch to ADAM, as DTS cannot complete the migration

Correct Answer: B, D

Q3. Which of the following databases are supported by DTS (Database Transmission Service)? (Number of correct answers: 3)


B. SQL Server

C. PostreSQL

D. DB2

Correct Answer: A, B, C

Q4. Which of the following computing capabilities are supported by AnalyticDB? (Number of correct answers: 4)

A.Complex extract, transform, load (ETL)

B. Interactive analysis

C. Simple point query

D. Real-time update

E. Machine Learning

Correct Answer: A, B, D, E

Q5. Alibaba Cloud DTS (Database Transmission Service) only supports MySQL databases.


B. False

Correct Answer: B

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