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Alibaba Cloud ACA-BigData1 Exam Dumps And Updated Questions

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Exam Name: ACA Big Data Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACA-BigData1
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Number of ACA-BigData1 practice questions in our database: 78 (updated: Jan. 30, 2025)

Expected ACA-BigData1 Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Distributed file system like Google file system/ Familiar with the theory of relational database such as Oracle
  • Module 2: Know how the common components in Hadoop ecosystem work/ Know about the concepts of Alibaba Cloud big data related products
  • Module 3: Has rudimentary knowledge of distributed system theory/ Able to use the data management module for data management
  • Module 4: Able to discover and resolve common issues emerged during the use of Alibaba Cloud big data products/ Familiar with software development language like SQL and Python
  • Module 5: features of Alibaba Cloud Big Data products and key product implementation principles/ Rudimentary knowledge of distributed system theory
  • Module 6: Aware of main application scenarios of Alibaba Cloud Big Data related products and how they shall be used together
  • Module 7: Understand the Graph programming framework, including basic concepts/ concepts and related knowledge of Cloud Computing, such as virtualization


Exam Name: ACA Big Data Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACA-BigData1
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Number of ACA-BigData1 practice questions in our database: 78 (updated: Jan. 30, 2025)

Expected ACA-BigData1 Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Distributed file system like Google file system/ Familiar with the theory of relational database such as Oracle
  • Module 2: Know how the common components in Hadoop ecosystem work/ Know about the concepts of Alibaba Cloud big data related products
  • Module 3: Has rudimentary knowledge of distributed system theory/ Able to use the data management module for data management
  • Module 4: Able to discover and resolve common issues emerged during the use of Alibaba Cloud big data products/ Familiar with software development language like SQL and Python
  • Module 5: features of Alibaba Cloud Big Data products and key product implementation principles/ Rudimentary knowledge of distributed system theory
  • Module 6: Aware of main application scenarios of Alibaba Cloud Big Data related products and how they shall be used together
  • Module 7: Understand the Graph programming framework, including basic concepts/ concepts and related knowledge of Cloud Computing, such as virtualization


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Q1. DataWorks can be used to develop and configure data sync tasks. Which of the following statements are correct? (Number of correct answers: 3) Score 2

A.The data source configuration in the project management is required to add data source

B. Some of the columns in source tables can be extracted to create a mapping relationship between fields, and constants or variables can't be added

C. For the extraction of source data, 'where' filtering clause can be referenced as the criteria of incremental synchronization

D. Clean-up rules can be set to clear or preserve existing data before data write

Correct Answer: A, B, D

Q2. The data development mode in DataWorks has been upgraded to the three-level structure comprising of _____, _____, and ______. (Number of correct answers: 3) Score 2


B. Solution

C. Business flow

D. Directory

Correct Answer: A, B

Q3. DataWorks provides powerful scheduling capabilities including time-based or dependency-based task trigger mechanisms to perform tens of millions of tasks accurately and punctually each day based on DAG relationships. It supports multiple scheduling frequency configurations like: (Number of correct answers: 4) Score 2

A.By Minute

B. By Hour

C. By Day

D. By Week

E. By Second

Correct Answer: A, B, C, D

Q4. MaxCompute is a fast and fully-managed TB/PB-level data warehousing solution provided by Alibaba Cloud. Which of the following product features are correct? ______ (Number of correct answers: 3) Score 2

A.Distributed architecture

B. High security and reliability

C. Multi-level management and authorization

D. Efficient transaction processing

E. Fast real-time response

Correct Answer: A, B, E

Q5. Scenario: Jack is the administrator of project prj1. The project involves a large volume of sensitive data such as bank account, medical record, etc. Jack wants to properly protect the data. Which of the follow statements is necessary?

A.set ProjectACL=true;

B. add accountprovider ram;

C. set ProjectProtection=true;

D. use prj1;

Correct Answer: C

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