Exam Name: Health Plan Finance and Risk Management
Exam Code: AHM-520 FAHM
Related Certification(s): AHIP Managed Healthcare Professional Certification
Certification Provider: AHIP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of AHM-520 practice questions in our database:
Expected AHM-520 Exam Topics, as suggested by AHIP :
- Module 1: Recognize different reserving methodologies used by health insurance providers/ Analyze the role of strategic financial planning in setting a health insurance provider’s future direction
- Module 2: Learn about the financial risks for health insurance provider organizations that provide health care services to Medicare and/or Medicaid populations compared to risks within the commercial population
- Module 3: Discover how to identify claim related components of health insurance providers’ financial statements
- Module 4: Gain an understanding of risk, decisions regarding risk assumption, and how health insurance providers control risk
- Module 5: Distinguish between fully funded and self-funded plans and the increasing role of self-funding in the marketplace
- Module 6: Compare the difference between stop-loss insurance and stop-loss reinsurance from the perspective of health insurance providers
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