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AHIP AHM-520 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Health Plan Finance and Risk Management
Exam Code: AHM-520 FAHM
Related Certification(s): AHIP Managed Healthcare Professional Certification
Certification Provider: AHIP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of AHM-520 practice questions in our database:
Expected AHM-520 Exam Topics, as suggested by AHIP :

  • Module 1: Recognize different reserving methodologies used by health insurance providers/ Analyze the role of strategic financial planning in setting a health insurance provider’s future direction
  • Module 2: Learn about the financial risks for health insurance provider organizations that provide health care services to Medicare and/or Medicaid populations compared to risks within the commercial population
  • Module 3: Discover how to identify claim related components of health insurance providers’ financial statements
  • Module 4: Gain an understanding of risk, decisions regarding risk assumption, and how health insurance providers control risk
  • Module 5: Distinguish between fully funded and self-funded plans and the increasing role of self-funding in the marketplace
  • Module 6: Compare the difference between stop-loss insurance and stop-loss reinsurance from the perspective of health insurance providers


Exam Name: Health Plan Finance and Risk Management
Exam Code: AHM-520 FAHM
Related Certification(s): AHIP Managed Healthcare Professional Certification
Certification Provider: AHIP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of AHM-520 practice questions in our database:
Expected AHM-520 Exam Topics, as suggested by AHIP :

  • Module 1: Recognize different reserving methodologies used by health insurance providers/ Analyze the role of strategic financial planning in setting a health insurance provider’s future direction
  • Module 2: Learn about the financial risks for health insurance provider organizations that provide health care services to Medicare and/or Medicaid populations compared to risks within the commercial population
  • Module 3: Discover how to identify claim related components of health insurance providers’ financial statements
  • Module 4: Gain an understanding of risk, decisions regarding risk assumption, and how health insurance providers control risk
  • Module 5: Distinguish between fully funded and self-funded plans and the increasing role of self-funding in the marketplace
  • Module 6: Compare the difference between stop-loss insurance and stop-loss reinsurance from the perspective of health insurance providers


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Q1. Costs that can be defined by behavior are most commonly classified as fixed costs, variable costs and semi-variable costs. Examples of fixed costs include:

A.Rent, insurance expense, and depreciation on computer equipment

B. Rent, claims processing costs, and selling expenses

C. Claims processing costs, telephone expense, and depreciation on computer equipment

D. Premium processing, rent, and selling expenses

Correct Answer: A

Q2. For a given healthcare product, the Magnolia Health Plan has a premium of $80 PMPM and a unit variable cost of $30 PMPM. Fixed costs for this product are $30,000 per month. Magnolia can correctly calculate the break-even point for this product to be:

A.274 members

B. 375 members

C. 600 members

D. 1,000 members

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Geena Falk is eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid coverage. If Ms. Falk incurs a covered expense, then:

A.Medicaid will be Ms. Falk's primary insurer

B. Medicare will be Ms. Falk's primary insurer

C. Either Medicare or Medicaid will be Ms. Falk's primary insurer depending on her election

D. Medicare and Medicaid will each be responsible for one-half of Ms. Falk's covered expense

Correct Answer: B

Q4. The Amethyst Health Plan uses a budgeting approach that requires each line of business within Amethyst's operation to justify its continued operation. Amethyst begins with the premise that no resources will be allocated for the following period unless each dollar to be spent is justified and is shown to be within departmental plans and corporate goals and objectives. The budgeting approach used by Amethyst is known as:

A.Bottom-up budgeting

B. Top-down budgeting

C. Zero-based budgeting

D. Master budgeting

Correct Answer: C

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