Exam Name: Governance, Legal Issues, Medicare and Medicaid
Exam Code: AHM-510 FAHM
Related Certification(s): AHIP Managed Healthcare Professional Certification
Certification Provider: AHIP
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of AHM-510 practice questions in our database:
Expected AHM-510 Exam Topics, as suggested by AHIP :
- Module 1: Review relevant terms, industry issues, case scenarios and concepts/ Understand the legal issues surrounding ERISA, pharmacy benefits, and wellness
- Module 2: Dig deep into the role of health insurance providers in providing services to both Medicare and Medicaid enrollees/ Examine legal issues faced by health insurance providers in a post-reform environment
- Module 3: Learn the role of the federal government as a purchaser of health care benefits/ Explore factors shaping the health insurance industry, its formation, types of insurance, and structure
- Module 4: Delve into federal and state regulatory requirements that affect health insurance providers/ Analyze how fraud and abuse affect health care’s cost and quality
- Module 5: Explore how health insurance providers use organizational control systems to build internal structures that meet external demands for accountability
- Module 6: Understand how health insurance providers use reorganization, reengineering, and strategic planning to improve performance
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