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Adobe AD0-E600 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Experience Platform Technical Foundations
Exam Code: AD0-E600
Related Certification(s):

  • Adobe Experience Platform Certifications
  • Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform Certifications
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of AD0-E600 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: 01-02-2024)
Expected AD0-E600 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Dataset management and data science workspaces and profile enrichment/ Data Ingestion
  • Module2: Destinations and segment activation/ Data Modeling
  • Module3: Ingestion types and connectors functionality
  • Module 4: Identity graphs and profile services/ Activation
  • Module 5: Unifying Profiles/ Schemas and Classes


Exam Name: Adobe Experience Platform Technical Foundations
Exam Code: AD0-E600
Related Certification(s):

  • Adobe Experience Platform Certifications
  • Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform Certifications
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of AD0-E600 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: 01-02-2024)
Expected AD0-E600 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Dataset management and data science workspaces and profile enrichment/ Data Ingestion
  • Module2: Destinations and segment activation/ Data Modeling
  • Module3: Ingestion types and connectors functionality
  • Module 4: Identity graphs and profile services/ Activation
  • Module 5: Unifying Profiles/ Schemas and Classes


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Q1. A data engineer wants to connect a new data source into AEP using an Amazon S3 Bucket. The S3 Bucket currently will be added with the daily deltas. The historical data and the recurrent deltas must be imported. In which way can this task be performed with minimal effort?

A.Create a one-time dataflow for the historical data and one scheduled dataflow for the deltas

B. Create one scheduled dataflow and enable partial ingestion

C. Create one scheduled dataflow and enable the backfill

D. Create one scheduled dataflow for the deltas and import the historical data through a data ingestion workflow

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Which choices explain the data lineage that DULE enforces?

A.Schema. Dataset Profile. Segment

B. Dataset. Merge Policy. Segment Destination

C. XDM. Source, Profile. Export

D. Source. Merge Policy. Segment. Destination

Correct Answer: D

Q3. A data engineer wants to connect a new data source into AEP using an Amazon S3 Bucket. The S3 Bucket currently will be added with the daily deltas. The historical data and the recurrent deltas must be imported. In which way can this task be performed with minimal effort?

A.Create a one-time dataflow for the historical data and one scheduled dataflow for the deltas

B. Create one scheduled dataflow and enable partial ingestion

C. Create one scheduled dataflow and enable the backfill

D. Create one scheduled dataflow for the deltas and import the historical data through a data ingestion workflow

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A data engineer exports segmented Real-time Customer Profile data to a new dataset called "Profile Export". The data engineer needs to directly download the data from the Profile Export dataset using the Data Access API. Which file format is supported for this use case?



C. Parquet

D. Blob

Correct Answer: A

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