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Adobe AD0-E207 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Analytics Architect Master Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E207
Related Certification(s):

  • Adobe Analytics Certifications
  • Adobe Certified Expert Certifications
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E207 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected AD0-E207 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Discovery: In this section of the exam, the focus is on the assessment of the ability of candidates to perform thorough website evacuation, interpret and translate client needs into comprehensive business requirements, and develop suitable measurement frameworks for given situations.
  • Module 2: Solution design: This part of the exam covers how to transform business requirements into practical variables and essential metrics and demonstrate proficiency in setting up and administering report suite configurations.
  • Module 3: Post-implementation: In this section, the focus is on how to confirm tracking accuracy using web browser developer tools and Adobe reporting systems. It also covers how to ensure compliance with defined specifications. Finally, it covers comprehension of processes for handling data extraction and maintaining data relationships.


Exam Name: Adobe Analytics Architect Master Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E207
Related Certification(s):

  • Adobe Analytics Certifications
  • Adobe Certified Expert Certifications
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E207 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 15, 2025)
Expected AD0-E207 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Discovery: In this section of the exam, the focus is on the assessment of the ability of candidates to perform thorough website evacuation, interpret and translate client needs into comprehensive business requirements, and develop suitable measurement frameworks for given situations.
  • Module 2: Solution design: This part of the exam covers how to transform business requirements into practical variables and essential metrics and demonstrate proficiency in setting up and administering report suite configurations.
  • Module 3: Post-implementation: In this section, the focus is on how to confirm tracking accuracy using web browser developer tools and Adobe reporting systems. It also covers how to ensure compliance with defined specifications. Finally, it covers comprehension of processes for handling data extraction and maintaining data relationships.


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Q1. A company wants to track their website's usage without visitors seeing which data points are being collected. The following information must be tracked: * Page names * Form names * A counter event for each page of the checkout flow * s.products populated on each page of the checkout flow Which approach should the Architect recommend?

A.Copy tracking calls from global report suite to site report suite via VISTA Rules

B. Import web server log data via Data Sources

C. Send tracking calls using CNAME pointer

D. Send tracking calls server-side via Data Insertion API

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A media company has a business requirement to capture a value of the news sections (politics, sports, food) that an art belongs to that visitors engage with. The company wants to understand and analyze the contribution the news sections give to any type of conversion. The company also wants to assign attribution to all of the news sections engaged with when a conversion takes place during the active session to analyze what news sections play a role in the conversion activity. Which solution should the architect use?

A.* Assign a custom prop to capture the news section value * Enable list support * Enable pathing

B. * Assign a custom eVar to capture the news section value * Enable last touch (most recent) attribution to the eVar * Expire the eVar after 30 days

C. * Assign a custom prop to capture the news section value * Enable display of participation metrics * Enable pathing

D. * Assign a custom eVar to capture the news section value * Enable linear attribution to the eVar * Expire the eVar after the visit

Correct Answer: D

Q3. While preparing for a new analytics implementation for a site, you begin conducting stakeholder interviews. Part of the conversation includes defining KPIs, including custom success events. Which are two examples of custom success events on a site? (Choose two.)

A.cart adds

B. internal searches

C. checkouts

D. form completions

E. purchases

Correct Answer: A, D

Q4. A coworker creates the calculated metric named "Orders / Visits" in Adobe Analytics to determine the percentage of visits that purchased something on the company's website. The coworker includes the calculated metric in the Products report. The coworker notices that the sum of the orders for the products is greater than the total orders shown in the report. What should the Architect do?

A.Create a new classification and upload the SAINT file

B. Create a Data Source to upload the totals

C. Put the Orders and Visits into a new event using Processing Rules

D. Create a calculated metric that includes Total versions of the metrics

Correct Answer: D

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