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Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Acquia Certified Site Builder – Drupal 8
Exam Code: Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8
Related Certification(s): Acquia Drupal 8 Certification
Certification Provider: Acquia
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 practice questions in our database: 
Expected Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Exam Topics, as suggested by Acquia :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate the ability to add, update, and remove contributed modules and theme management
  • Module 2: Identify security issues resulting from site configuration/ Demonstrate the understanding of Drupal jargon and terminology
  • Module 3: Determine how administration tools are used for site management/ Identify ways of community participation
  • Module 4: Identify performance issues resulting from site configuration/ Demonstrate the ability to add, update, and remove contributed themes
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to report issues against either core or contributed modules/ Demonstrate ability to configure user accounts
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, identify when a contributed module would be needed/ Configure and manage menus, menu items and menu blocks
  • Module 7: Troubleshoot problems related to content, configuration and maintenance/ Demonstrate ability to model content using content types and vocabularies
  • Module 8: Ability to to create, manage and display lists of content using Drupal views/ Given an example of a page layout, determine what is content versus a block
  • Module 9: Demonstrate the ability to explain the distinct and differentiating features of Drupal/ ability to use the various options related to site configuration like account settings


Exam Name: Acquia Certified Site Builder – Drupal 8
Exam Code: Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8
Related Certification(s): Acquia Drupal 8 Certification
Certification Provider: Acquia
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 practice questions in our database: 
Expected Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Exam Topics, as suggested by Acquia :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate the ability to add, update, and remove contributed modules and theme management
  • Module 2: Identify security issues resulting from site configuration/ Demonstrate the understanding of Drupal jargon and terminology
  • Module 3: Determine how administration tools are used for site management/ Identify ways of community participation
  • Module 4: Identify performance issues resulting from site configuration/ Demonstrate the ability to add, update, and remove contributed themes
  • Module 5: Demonstrate knowledge of how to report issues against either core or contributed modules/ Demonstrate ability to configure user accounts
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, identify when a contributed module would be needed/ Configure and manage menus, menu items and menu blocks
  • Module 7: Troubleshoot problems related to content, configuration and maintenance/ Demonstrate ability to model content using content types and vocabularies
  • Module 8: Ability to to create, manage and display lists of content using Drupal views/ Given an example of a page layout, determine what is content versus a block
  • Module 9: Demonstrate the ability to explain the distinct and differentiating features of Drupal/ ability to use the various options related to site configuration like account settings


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Q1. You've been asked to add several new fields and a view for the news area of a site with a very busy comments section The QA team wants to review your work in staging before rolling everything out to production all at once. How can you meet these requirements without interfering with the production site's comment activity or having to create the new functionality independently in both environments?

A.Create the fields and view in a development copy of the site. Export the site configuration to code Push that code to the staging environment and import the site configuration there Once QA is satisfied, repeat the process in production.

B. Create the fields and view in a fresh installation of Drupal core Export the site configuration into your site's existing codebase, push the code to the staging environment, and import the site configuration there Once QA is satisfied, repeat the process in production.

C. Configuration created in the staging environment is automatically available to the production environment since they share a database

D. Copy the production database into the staging environment Create the fields and view there Once QA is satisfied, copy the staging database into the production environment.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A Drupal corporate website allows editors to self-register with additional administrator approval However, Robots are creating a lot of user accounts and administrators are not able to keep up with the approval process How can we eliminate fake user registration'?

A.Enable the Drupal core captcha field on the user registration form

B. Hide user login by disabling the login block and/ or move the login page

C. Configure new user accounts to 'require email verification when a visitor creates an account.'

D. Change who can register accounts to 'Administrators only'

Correct Answer: D

Q3. You had installed a contributed module on your website, but your site no longer needs it No other modules have dependencies on this module. How can you safely uninstall the module?

A.You can only disable modules, not uninstall them

B. Delete the module from the codebase

C. Uninstall the module on the Extend > Uninstall interface.

D. Delete the module from the database

Correct Answer: A

Q4. You have an English language based website As your company is opening a branch in Japan, you wish to create a Japanese version of the website You enabled relevant Multilingual modules and also enabled the Japanese language on your website Now your website interface appears correctly in English and Japanese, however, website content is still appearing only in English How will you add Japanese translation to existing content?

A.On one Content overview page, select all English content Check 'Import Translations' from the Bulk Actions dropdown

B. On Admin > Translate page enable the Add Google Translations checkbox to import all Japanese translations

C. Download the Japanese po files from localize drupal org Import the po file.

D. On the Translate tab of each node, add Japanese translations manually

Correct Answer: A

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