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ACFE CFE-Law Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) – Law
Exam Code: CFE-Law
Related Certification(s): ACFE Certified Fraud Examiner CFE Certification
Certification Provider: ACFE
Number of CFE-Law practice questions in our database: 
Expected CFE-Law Exam Topics, as suggested by ACFE :

  • Module 1: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes: This section evaluates your understanding of fraudulent financial transactions in accounting records. You’ll need to showcase your knowledge of fundamental accounting and auditing principles, various fraud schemes, fraud deterrence through internal controls, and additional relevant accounting and auditing topics.
  • Module 2: Law: This portion examines your grasp of legal frameworks used in prosecuting fraud cases. It also assesses your awareness of the legal implications involved in conducting fraud examinations such as elements of criminal and civil law, evidentiary rules, and legal rights of defendants and plaintiffs.
  • Module 3: Investigations: This domain assesses your proficiency in essential investigative techniques for gathering evidence and identifying fraud perpetrators and it covers effective interviewing strategies, methods for obtaining statements, accessing and utilizing public records, techniques for tracking illicit financial activities Recognizing deceptive behavior, and crafting comprehensive investigation reports.
  • Module 4: Fraud Prevention and Deterrence: In this segment, exam-takers are assessed for know-how of fraud motivations and preventive techniques in addition to criminal behavior frameworks.


Exam Name: Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) – Law
Exam Code: CFE-Law
Related Certification(s): ACFE Certified Fraud Examiner CFE Certification
Certification Provider: ACFE
Number of CFE-Law practice questions in our database: 
Expected CFE-Law Exam Topics, as suggested by ACFE :

  • Module 1: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes: This section evaluates your understanding of fraudulent financial transactions in accounting records. You’ll need to showcase your knowledge of fundamental accounting and auditing principles, various fraud schemes, fraud deterrence through internal controls, and additional relevant accounting and auditing topics.
  • Module 2: Law: This portion examines your grasp of legal frameworks used in prosecuting fraud cases. It also assesses your awareness of the legal implications involved in conducting fraud examinations such as elements of criminal and civil law, evidentiary rules, and legal rights of defendants and plaintiffs.
  • Module 3: Investigations: This domain assesses your proficiency in essential investigative techniques for gathering evidence and identifying fraud perpetrators and it covers effective interviewing strategies, methods for obtaining statements, accessing and utilizing public records, techniques for tracking illicit financial activities Recognizing deceptive behavior, and crafting comprehensive investigation reports.
  • Module 4: Fraud Prevention and Deterrence: In this segment, exam-takers are assessed for know-how of fraud motivations and preventive techniques in addition to criminal behavior frameworks.


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Q1. Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the European Union's (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

A.An organization must delete a data subject's personal data automatically when the data are no longer m use.

B. An organization must have a documented lawful basis for collecting or processing personal data.

C. An organization generally must notify all affected data subjects without undue delay when a high-risk data breach occurs

D. An organization must confirm or deny that it possesses a data subject's personal data upon that individual's request

Correct Answer: B

Q2. In systems using adversarial processes, an attorney may impeach an opposing party's witness by showing that the witness:

A.Has a keen ability to observe

B. Made poor consistent statements

C. Testified from personal knowledge

D. Is influenced by bias or self-interest

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the European Union's (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

A.An organization must delete a data subject's personal data automatically when the data are no longer m use.

B. An organization must have a documented lawful basis for collecting or processing personal data.

C. An organization generally must notify all affected data subjects without undue delay when a high-risk data breach occurs

D. An organization must confirm or deny that it possesses a data subject's personal data upon that individual's request

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Which of the following statements concerning civil trials in common law jurisdictions is MOST ACCURATE?

A.Civil jury trials must have the same number of jurors as in criminal jury trials.

B. Neither side may appeal an adverse judgment in a civil case

C. Jury verdicts m civil trials must always be unanimous

D. in most civil cases, the standard of proof is the preponderance of the evidence

Correct Answer: C

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