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Acams CAMS-FCI Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Advanced CAMS-Financial Crimes Investigations
Exam Code: CAMS-FCI
Related Certification(s): Acams Advanced Financial Crimes Investigations Advanced CAMS-FCI Certification
Certification Provider: Acams
Number of CAMS-FCI practice questions in our database:
Expected CAMS-FCI Exam Topics, as suggested by Acams :

  • Module 1: Leading Complex Investigations: This section of the exam measures the skills of senior financial crime investigators and covers advanced techniques for managing and directing intricate financial crime investigations. The four-hour online certificate course delves into strategies for coordinating multi-faceted cases, managing resources effectively, and navigating the complexities of cross-border investigations.
  • Module 2: Financial Crime Typologies Intermediate: This domain is targeted at experienced financial crime analysts and encompasses a four-hour online certificate course that explores various financial crime typologies at an intermediate level. The section covers emerging trends in money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes.
  • Module 3: Reporting Suspicious Activity: This section of the exam is designed for Financial Crime and compliance reporting officers and includes a four-hour online certificate course focusing on the intricacies of reporting suspicious activity.
  • Module 4: Governance of an AFC Investigations Unit: This domain is aimed at compliance professionals who assess candidates’ understanding of the governance structures necessary for an effective Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) investigations unit.


Exam Name: Advanced CAMS-Financial Crimes Investigations
Exam Code: CAMS-FCI
Related Certification(s): Acams Advanced Financial Crimes Investigations Advanced CAMS-FCI Certification
Certification Provider: Acams
Number of CAMS-FCI practice questions in our database:
Expected CAMS-FCI Exam Topics, as suggested by Acams :

  • Module 1: Leading Complex Investigations: This section of the exam measures the skills of senior financial crime investigators and covers advanced techniques for managing and directing intricate financial crime investigations. The four-hour online certificate course delves into strategies for coordinating multi-faceted cases, managing resources effectively, and navigating the complexities of cross-border investigations.
  • Module 2: Financial Crime Typologies Intermediate: This domain is targeted at experienced financial crime analysts and encompasses a four-hour online certificate course that explores various financial crime typologies at an intermediate level. The section covers emerging trends in money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes.
  • Module 3: Reporting Suspicious Activity: This section of the exam is designed for Financial Crime and compliance reporting officers and includes a four-hour online certificate course focusing on the intricacies of reporting suspicious activity.
  • Module 4: Governance of an AFC Investigations Unit: This domain is aimed at compliance professionals who assess candidates’ understanding of the governance structures necessary for an effective Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) investigations unit.


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Q1. The training department is conducting awareness training for unusual customer identification scenarios. Which two indicators should be included? (Select Two.)

A.The customer opens the account in the name of a family member who begins making large deposits.

B. The customer's name and home address cannot be verified

C. The customer's internet protocol address does not match the identifying information provided during online registration.

D. The customer requests payment of proceeds to an unrelated third party.

E. The customer frequently exchanges small bills for large bills.

Correct Answer: A, B

Q2. Which is a key characteristic of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Regional Style Bodies for combatting money laundering/terrorist financing?

A.Instructing each member country to place FATF recommendations into law

B. Implementing regional mutual evaluation procedures

C. Emphasizing regional co-operation between member countries

D. Enabling FATF standards to be specific to each region

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Potentially suspicious activity following an increase in the volume of transactions by an import company included outgoing wires to Indonesia and Uganda referencing invoice numbers. Incoming funds included large cash deposits and checks/wires from pet stores, breeders, and private individuals. What financial crime might the bank reference in the SAR/STR?

A.Tax evasion scheme

B. International drug trafficking

C. Illegal wildlife trade

D. Black market peso exchange

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which test should be included in a bank's Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctions screening audit program?

A.Reviewing wire transfer screening processes to ensure that potential name hits are investigated promptly

B. Looking at copies of suspicious activity reports filed with regulators to ensure completeness

C. Ensuring that all clients with foreign identification are subject to enhanced due diligence

D. Examining Human Resources processes for conducting criminal background checks on executives

Correct Answer: C

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