Exam Name: Chartered Trust & Estate Planner (CTEP) Certification Examination
Exam Code: CTEP
Related Certification(s): AAFM Chartered Trust and Estate Planner Certification
Certification Provider: AAFM
Number of CTEP practice questions in our database:
Expected CTEP Exam Topics, as suggested by AAFM :
- Module 1: Introduction to Personal and Intestate Succession Laws/ Meaning and Essentials of a Contract
- Module 2: Society as a form of charitable Organization/ Philanthropy and Charitable Planning
- Module 3: FEMA Regulations in Estate Planning/ Introduction to Estate Planning
- Module 4: Religious and Charitable Trusts/ Anti-Money Laundering/ Estate Planning Process
- Module 5: Internation Estate Planning/ The Basic Tools of Estate Planning
- Module 6: Minority and Guardianship Act 1956/ Coparcenary Property Under HSA
- Module 7: Laws Affecting Estate Planning/ Business Succession Planning
- Module 8: Discretionary Trust/ Private Religious Trust/ Wills and Succession Planning
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