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AACE International PSP Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Physical Security Professional
Exam Code: PSP
Related Certification(s): ASIS Physical Security Professional Certification
Certification Provider: ASIS
Number of PSP practice questions in our database: 
Expected PSP Exam Topics, as suggested by ASIS :

  • Module 1: Physical Security Assessment: For ASIS Physical Security Professional (PSP) exam candidates, this topic measures the ability to craft a comprehensive physical security assessment plan. It evaluates skills in identifying critical assets, assessing threats, and quantifying organizational vulnerabilities, crucial for determining overall risk. This ensures that ASIS Physical Security Professionals can effectively analyze and mitigate potential security breaches, demonstrating their competency in safeguarding an organization’s physical infrastructure.
  • Module 2: Application, Design, and Integration of Physical Security Systems: In this topic, ASIS Physical Security Professionals are tested on their expertise in designing and integrating physical security systems. This topic assesses their capability to establish performance requirements, choose appropriate security countermeasures, and create detailed project documentation.
  • Module 3: Implementation of Physical Security Measures: This topic covers skills such as conducting pre-bid meetings, developing procurement plans, and managing the implementation of security goods and services. Proficiency in these areas ensures that ASIS PSP exam candidates can oversee the deployment of physical security programs, maintaining operational integrity and meeting security objectives.


Exam Name: Physical Security Professional
Exam Code: PSP
Related Certification(s): ASIS Physical Security Professional Certification
Certification Provider: ASIS
Number of PSP practice questions in our database: 
Expected PSP Exam Topics, as suggested by ASIS :

  • Module 1: Physical Security Assessment: For ASIS Physical Security Professional (PSP) exam candidates, this topic measures the ability to craft a comprehensive physical security assessment plan. It evaluates skills in identifying critical assets, assessing threats, and quantifying organizational vulnerabilities, crucial for determining overall risk. This ensures that ASIS Physical Security Professionals can effectively analyze and mitigate potential security breaches, demonstrating their competency in safeguarding an organization’s physical infrastructure.
  • Module 2: Application, Design, and Integration of Physical Security Systems: In this topic, ASIS Physical Security Professionals are tested on their expertise in designing and integrating physical security systems. This topic assesses their capability to establish performance requirements, choose appropriate security countermeasures, and create detailed project documentation.
  • Module 3: Implementation of Physical Security Measures: This topic covers skills such as conducting pre-bid meetings, developing procurement plans, and managing the implementation of security goods and services. Proficiency in these areas ensures that ASIS PSP exam candidates can oversee the deployment of physical security programs, maintaining operational integrity and meeting security objectives.


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Q1. Which records provide detailed, documented records of an applicant's personal history, background, and financial relationships?

A.Legal action

B. Civil lawsuit

C. Civil litigation

D. All of the above

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of eth following is NOT the type of insurance?

A.Fidelity Bonds

B. Surety Bonds

C. 3-D policies

D. Privacy Invasion

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which records provide detailed, documented records of an applicant's personal history, background, and financial relationships?

A.Legal action

B. Civil lawsuit

C. Civil litigation

D. All of the above

Correct Answer: C

Q4. The demographics of an ongoing police and security force at the ___________________ create opportunities for advancement.

A.Company Level

B. Personal level

C. Management level

D. Advance level

Correct Answer: C

$ 39

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