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AACE International CCP Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Cost Professional (CCP) Exam
Exam Code: CCP
Related Certification(s): AACE International CCP Certification
Certification Provider: AACE International
Actual Exam Duration: 300 Minutes
Number of CCP practice questions in our database: 

Expected CCP Exam Topics, as suggested by AACE International :

  • Module 1: Basic Skills and Knowledge: This section covers key concepts in cost-related terminology, statistical analysis, economic evaluation, financial reporting, and benchmarking methods crucial for cost engineering.
  • Module 2: Cost Estimating: This section focuses on diverse estimating methodologies, techniques, cost evaluation, and effective management of cost data to ensure precise project estimates.
  • Module 3: Planning and Scheduling: This section covers project planning, resource management, scheduling strategies, and approaches for monitoring, controlling, and assessing schedule risks.
  • Module 4: Cost Control: In this section, candidates are tested for skills related to budgeting, forecasting, cost management techniques like EVM, handling scope changes, and evaluating cost-related risks and performance metrics.
  • Module 5: Project Management: This domain covers the project life cycle, integration management, quality control, contract management, and procurement processes within the project management scope.
  • Module 6: Enterprise in Cost Management: In this section, the skills measured include ERP integration, portfolio management, performance assessment, and value engineering aimed at optimizing costs and improving organizational efficiency.


Exam Name: Certified Cost Professional (CCP) Exam
Exam Code: CCP
Related Certification(s): AACE International CCP Certification
Certification Provider: AACE International
Actual Exam Duration: 300 Minutes
Number of CCP practice questions in our database: 

Expected CCP Exam Topics, as suggested by AACE International :

  • Module 1: Basic Skills and Knowledge: This section covers key concepts in cost-related terminology, statistical analysis, economic evaluation, financial reporting, and benchmarking methods crucial for cost engineering.
  • Module 2: Cost Estimating: This section focuses on diverse estimating methodologies, techniques, cost evaluation, and effective management of cost data to ensure precise project estimates.
  • Module 3: Planning and Scheduling: This section covers project planning, resource management, scheduling strategies, and approaches for monitoring, controlling, and assessing schedule risks.
  • Module 4: Cost Control: In this section, candidates are tested for skills related to budgeting, forecasting, cost management techniques like EVM, handling scope changes, and evaluating cost-related risks and performance metrics.
  • Module 5: Project Management: This domain covers the project life cycle, integration management, quality control, contract management, and procurement processes within the project management scope.
  • Module 6: Enterprise in Cost Management: In this section, the skills measured include ERP integration, portfolio management, performance assessment, and value engineering aimed at optimizing costs and improving organizational efficiency.


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Q1. You are reporting the following Earned Value Analysis information for the project: EV= $1,500,000 AC=$1.000,000 PV= $2,000,000 What is the status of the project?

A.Project is ahead of schedule, but over budget

B. Project is behind schedule, but over budget

C. Project is behind schedule, but under budget

D. Project is ahead of schedule, but under budget

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following best describes the three key participants for projects that are executed under a three-party contractual relationship?

A.Contracting officer, contractor, and contractor project manager

B. Procurement officer, underwriter, and project manager

C. Owner, engineer, contractor

D. Client, project manager, procurement manager

Correct Answer: C

Q3. You are reporting the following Earned Value Analysis information for the project: EV= $1,500,000 AC=$1.000,000 PV= $2,000,000 What is the status of the project?

A.Project is ahead of schedule, but over budget

B. Project is behind schedule, but over budget

C. Project is behind schedule, but under budget

D. Project is ahead of schedule, but under budget

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A used concrete pumping truck can be purchased for $125,000. The operation costs are expected to be $65,000 the first year and increase 5% each year thereafter. As a result of the purchase, the company will see an increase in income of $100,000 the first year and 5% more each subsequent year. The company uses straight-line depreciation. The truck will have a useful life of five (5) years and no salvage value. Management would like to see a 10% return on any investment. The company's tax rate is 28%. All of the following are characteristics of standard normal distribution, except:

A.means and median are not equal

B. about 68% of its value is within one standard deviation

C. the total area underneath the curve is 1

D. the curve shape is symmetrical

Correct Answer: A

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