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A10 Networks A10-System-Administration Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: A10 Certified Professional System Administration 4
Exam Code: A10-System-Administration
Related Certification(s): A10 Networks Certified Professional Certification
Certification Provider: A10 Networks
Number of A10-System-Administration practice questions in our database:
Expected A10-System-Administration Exam Topics, as suggested by A10 Networks :

  • Module 1: Initial ACOS Configuration: For network administrators and system engineers, this section covers basic system setup using both CLI and GUI, backup and restore procedures, system upgrade processes, and working with configuration profiles.
  • Module 2: Centralized Configuration Management: For network architects and senior administrators, this part focuses on clustering devices into a centralized chassis, understanding aVCS topology including vMaster and vBlade devices, and the process of vMaster election and maintenance.
  • Module 3: High Availability: For network engineers responsible for ensuring system uptime, this domain covers Active-Standby mode and failover mechanisms, N+M deployments, and active device selection processes.
  • Module 4: Application Delivery Partitions: For application delivery specialists and system architects, this section explores Layer 3 Virtualization Partitions (L3V), shared and private partitions, and the concept of public and private objects.
  • Module 5: Role-based Administration: For IT security professionals and system administrators, this part covers admin account creation through CLI and GUI, assigning privileges, passwords, and access rights, understanding predefined and user-defined roles, and session management.
  • Module 6: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting: For security specialists and compliance officers, this domain focuses on using AAA servers to manage device and command access, as well as account and command tracking.
  • Module 7: Control Plane Logging: For network operators and support engineers, this section covers ACOS logging, external logging, and emailing events, and understanding events and thresholds.
  • Module 8: SNMP: For network monitoring specialists, this part explores monitoring ACOS devices remotely, A10 MIBs, configuring traps, and OID discovery.
  • Module 9: aXAPI Overview: For developers and integration specialists, this section provides an overview of aXAPI architecture and session flow, as well as API methods.


Exam Name: A10 Certified Professional System Administration 4
Exam Code: A10-System-Administration
Related Certification(s): A10 Networks Certified Professional Certification
Certification Provider: A10 Networks
Number of A10-System-Administration practice questions in our database:
Expected A10-System-Administration Exam Topics, as suggested by A10 Networks :

  • Module 1: Initial ACOS Configuration: For network administrators and system engineers, this section covers basic system setup using both CLI and GUI, backup and restore procedures, system upgrade processes, and working with configuration profiles.
  • Module 2: Centralized Configuration Management: For network architects and senior administrators, this part focuses on clustering devices into a centralized chassis, understanding aVCS topology including vMaster and vBlade devices, and the process of vMaster election and maintenance.
  • Module 3: High Availability: For network engineers responsible for ensuring system uptime, this domain covers Active-Standby mode and failover mechanisms, N+M deployments, and active device selection processes.
  • Module 4: Application Delivery Partitions: For application delivery specialists and system architects, this section explores Layer 3 Virtualization Partitions (L3V), shared and private partitions, and the concept of public and private objects.
  • Module 5: Role-based Administration: For IT security professionals and system administrators, this part covers admin account creation through CLI and GUI, assigning privileges, passwords, and access rights, understanding predefined and user-defined roles, and session management.
  • Module 6: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting: For security specialists and compliance officers, this domain focuses on using AAA servers to manage device and command access, as well as account and command tracking.
  • Module 7: Control Plane Logging: For network operators and support engineers, this section covers ACOS logging, external logging, and emailing events, and understanding events and thresholds.
  • Module 8: SNMP: For network monitoring specialists, this part explores monitoring ACOS devices remotely, A10 MIBs, configuring traps, and OID discovery.
  • Module 9: aXAPI Overview: For developers and integration specialists, this section provides an overview of aXAPI architecture and session flow, as well as API methods.


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Q1. When you execute a reboot command on the vMaster, how is aVCS Chassis affected?

A.Reboot is performed on vMaster and reload operation on vBlades.

B. All devices in the chassis are rebooted.

C. Reboot is performed on vMaster.

D. Reboot is performed only on vBlades.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. When private partitions are created on a device where VRRP-A is enabled, which statement is true?

A.No VRIDs are configured on a private partition until explicitly configured.

B. VRID 0 is configured with settings identical to VRID 0 on the shared partition.

C. All VRIDs on the shared partition are replicated on the private partitions.

D. VRID 0 is configured with its default settings.

E. VRRP-A is not available on private partitions.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. When you execute a reboot command on the vMaster, how is aVCS Chassis affected?

A.Reboot is performed on vMaster and reload operation on vBlades.

B. All devices in the chassis are rebooted.

C. Reboot is performed on vMaster.

D. Reboot is performed only on vBlades.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. When private partitions are created on a device where VRRP-A is enabled, which statement is true?

A.No VRIDs are configured on a private partition until explicitly configured.

B. VRID 0 is configured with settings identical to VRID 0 on the shared partition.

C. All VRIDs on the shared partition are replicated on the private partitions.

D. VRID 0 is configured with its default settings.

E. VRRP-A is not available on private partitions.

Correct Answer: D

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