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ISTQB CTFL-Foundation Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Exam
Exam Code: CTFL-Foundation
Related Certification(s): ISTQB Foundation Level Certification
Certification Provider: ISTQB
Number of CTFL-Foundation practice questions in our database: 272
Expected CTFL-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by ISTQB :

  • Module 1: What is Testing: For test managers, quality assurance professionals, and software testers, this section of the exam covers how to identify typical testing objectives and differentiate testing from debugging.
  • Module 2: Why is Testing Necessary: For software developers, project managers, and quality analysts, this part of the exam covers examples of why testing is necessary, describes the relationship between testing and quality assurance, and gives examples of how testing contributes to higher quality.
  • Module 3: Seven Testing Principles: This domain of the exam covers explaining the seven testing principles for all IT professionals involved in software development and testing.
  • Module 4: Test Process: For test leads, software engineers, and quality control specialists, this section of the exam covers explains the impact of context on the test process. describe the test activities and respective tasks within the test process, and differentiate the work products that support the test process.
  • Module 5: The Psychology of Testing: For team leaders, human resource professionals in IT, and software development managers, this part of the exam covers, identify the psychological factors that influence the success of testing, explains the difference between the mindset required for test activities and the mindset required for development activities.


Exam Name: ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Exam
Exam Code: CTFL-Foundation
Related Certification(s): ISTQB Foundation Level Certification
Certification Provider: ISTQB
Number of CTFL-Foundation practice questions in our database: 272
Expected CTFL-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by ISTQB :

  • Module 1: What is Testing: For test managers, quality assurance professionals, and software testers, this section of the exam covers how to identify typical testing objectives and differentiate testing from debugging.
  • Module 2: Why is Testing Necessary: For software developers, project managers, and quality analysts, this part of the exam covers examples of why testing is necessary, describes the relationship between testing and quality assurance, and gives examples of how testing contributes to higher quality.
  • Module 3: Seven Testing Principles: This domain of the exam covers explaining the seven testing principles for all IT professionals involved in software development and testing.
  • Module 4: Test Process: For test leads, software engineers, and quality control specialists, this section of the exam covers explains the impact of context on the test process. describe the test activities and respective tasks within the test process, and differentiate the work products that support the test process.
  • Module 5: The Psychology of Testing: For team leaders, human resource professionals in IT, and software development managers, this part of the exam covers, identify the psychological factors that influence the success of testing, explains the difference between the mindset required for test activities and the mindset required for development activities.


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Q1. Which of the following would be a good test technique to use when under severe time pressure?

A.Exploratory testing

B. Structure based testing

C. Specification based testing

D. Use Case testing

Correct Answer: A

Q2. When considering the roles of test leader and tester, which of the following tasks would NOT typically be performed by a tester?

A.Prepare and acquire the test data

B. Set up and check the test environment

C. Write test summary reports

D. Review tests developed by others

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Which of the following would NOT be a common metric used for monitoring test preparation and execution?

A.Number of Test cases passed and failed

B. Percentage of planned test cases designed

C. Number of test plan review comments

D. Percentage of tasks complete in test environment preparation

Correct Answer: C

Q4. When considering the roles of test leader and tester, which of the following tasks would NOT typically be performed by a tester?

A.Prepare and acquire the test data

B. Set up and check the test environment

C. Write test summary reports

D. Review tests developed by others

Correct Answer: C

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