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iSQI CTFL-AT Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ISTQB Certified Tester – Agile Tester
Exam Code: CTFL-AT
Related Certification(s): iSQI ISTQB Certified Tester Certification
Certification Provider: iSQI
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of CTFL-AT practice questions in our database: 40
Expected CTFL-AT Exam Topics, as suggested by iSQI :

  • Module 1: Agile Software Development: Understanding Agile software development is crucial for CTFL-AT exam success. This topic covers the core principles of Agile and examines various Agile methodologies, essential for adapting testing strategies to fast-paced Agile environments.
  • Module 2: Fundamental Agile Testing Principles, Practices, and Processes: This ISTQB Certified Tester – Agile Tester exam topic explores the unique characteristics of testing within Agile frameworks. It contrasts traditional and Agile testing, highlights the importance of continuous testing in Agile projects, and outlines the critical roles and skills Agile testers must develop to thrive in cross-functional teams.
  • Module 3: Agile Testing Methods, Techniques, and Tools: For the CTFL-AT exam, mastering Agile testing methods, quality risk assessment, and test effort estimation is vital. This topic also delves into essential techniques and tools that enhance Agile project efficiency, helping software testers deliver high-quality software in rapid release cycles.


Exam Name: ISTQB Certified Tester – Agile Tester
Exam Code: CTFL-AT
Related Certification(s): iSQI ISTQB Certified Tester Certification
Certification Provider: iSQI
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of CTFL-AT practice questions in our database: 40
Expected CTFL-AT Exam Topics, as suggested by iSQI :

  • Module 1: Agile Software Development: Understanding Agile software development is crucial for CTFL-AT exam success. This topic covers the core principles of Agile and examines various Agile methodologies, essential for adapting testing strategies to fast-paced Agile environments.
  • Module 2: Fundamental Agile Testing Principles, Practices, and Processes: This ISTQB Certified Tester – Agile Tester exam topic explores the unique characteristics of testing within Agile frameworks. It contrasts traditional and Agile testing, highlights the importance of continuous testing in Agile projects, and outlines the critical roles and skills Agile testers must develop to thrive in cross-functional teams.
  • Module 3: Agile Testing Methods, Techniques, and Tools: For the CTFL-AT exam, mastering Agile testing methods, quality risk assessment, and test effort estimation is vital. This topic also delves into essential techniques and tools that enhance Agile project efficiency, helping software testers deliver high-quality software in rapid release cycles.


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Q1. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding early and frequent feedback?

A.Early feedback decreases the amount of time needed for system testing.

B. Early feedback promotes early discovery and resolution of quality problems.

C. Early feedback provides the Agile team with information on its productivity.

D. Early feedback helps to deliver a product that better reflects what the customer wants.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. What is the definition of agile software development?

A.Testing carried out informally where no formal test preparation or execution takes place, no recognized test design technique is used and there are no expectations for results.

B. A group of software development methodologies based on iterative incremental development with self-organizing cross-functional teams who cooperate to define requirements and to implement the solution.

C. A framework to describe the software development lifecycle activities from requirements specification to maintenance where test planning of the various test levels is done as soon as the test basis is ready

D. A way of developing software where the test cases are developed, and often automated, before the software under test is developed.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding early and frequent feedback?

A.Early feedback decreases the amount of time needed for system testing.

B. Early feedback promotes early discovery and resolution of quality problems.

C. Early feedback provides the Agile team with information on its productivity.

D. Early feedback helps to deliver a product that better reflects what the customer wants.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What is the definition of agile software development?

A.Testing carried out informally where no formal test preparation or execution takes place, no recognized test design technique is used and there are no expectations for results.

B. A group of software development methodologies based on iterative incremental development with self-organizing cross-functional teams who cooperate to define requirements and to implement the solution.

C. A framework to describe the software development lifecycle activities from requirements specification to maintenance where test planning of the various test levels is done as soon as the test basis is ready

D. A way of developing software where the test cases are developed, and often automated, before the software under test is developed.

Correct Answer: B

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