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IBM C1000-059 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: IBM AI Enterprise Workflow V1 Data Science Specialist
Exam Code: C1000-059
Related Certification(s):

  • IBM Certified Specialist Certifications
  • IBM AI Enterprise Workflow V1 Certifications
Certification Provider: IBM
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of C1000-059 practice questions in our database: 62 
Expected C1000-059 Exam Topics, as suggested by IBM :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of scenarios for application of machine learning/ Explain the fundamental terms and concepts of design thinking
  • Module 2: Show knowledge of how to communicate technical results to business stakeholders/ Explain and calculate different types of matrix operations
  • Module 3: Demonstrate mastery preparing and cleaning unstructured text data/ Explain the different types of fundamental Data Science
  • Module 4: Demonstrate basic understanding of natural language processing/ Explain the general properties of common probability distributions
  • Module 5: Translate business opportunities into a machine learning scenario/ Show knowledge of data exploration techniques and data anomaly detection
  • Module  6: Describe the differences between traditional programming and machine learning/ Use data summarization and visualization techniques to find relevant insight
  • Module 7: Demonstrate knowledge on open source technologies for deployment of AI solutions/ Demonstrate expertise cleaning data and addressing data anomalies
  • Module 8: Demonstrate foundational knowledge of using python as a tool for building AI solutions/ Show knowledge of feature engineering and dimensionality reduction techniques
  • Module 9: Describe the key considerations when selecting a platform for AI model deployment/ Demonstrate successful application of model validation and selection methods
  • Module 10: Identify IBM technology capabilities for building, deploying, and managing AI models/ Identify use cases where artificial intelligence solutions can address business opportunities
  • Module 11: Show knowledge of the benefits of cloud computing for building and deploying AI models/ Demonstrate knowledge of requirements for model monitoring, management and maintenance


Exam Name: IBM AI Enterprise Workflow V1 Data Science Specialist
Exam Code: C1000-059
Related Certification(s):

  • IBM Certified Specialist Certifications
  • IBM AI Enterprise Workflow V1 Certifications
Certification Provider: IBM
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of C1000-059 practice questions in our database: 62 
Expected C1000-059 Exam Topics, as suggested by IBM :

  • Module 1: Demonstrate knowledge of scenarios for application of machine learning/ Explain the fundamental terms and concepts of design thinking
  • Module 2: Show knowledge of how to communicate technical results to business stakeholders/ Explain and calculate different types of matrix operations
  • Module 3: Demonstrate mastery preparing and cleaning unstructured text data/ Explain the different types of fundamental Data Science
  • Module 4: Demonstrate basic understanding of natural language processing/ Explain the general properties of common probability distributions
  • Module 5: Translate business opportunities into a machine learning scenario/ Show knowledge of data exploration techniques and data anomaly detection
  • Module  6: Describe the differences between traditional programming and machine learning/ Use data summarization and visualization techniques to find relevant insight
  • Module 7: Demonstrate knowledge on open source technologies for deployment of AI solutions/ Demonstrate expertise cleaning data and addressing data anomalies
  • Module 8: Demonstrate foundational knowledge of using python as a tool for building AI solutions/ Show knowledge of feature engineering and dimensionality reduction techniques
  • Module 9: Describe the key considerations when selecting a platform for AI model deployment/ Demonstrate successful application of model validation and selection methods
  • Module 10: Identify IBM technology capabilities for building, deploying, and managing AI models/ Identify use cases where artificial intelligence solutions can address business opportunities
  • Module 11: Show knowledge of the benefits of cloud computing for building and deploying AI models/ Demonstrate knowledge of requirements for model monitoring, management and maintenance


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Q1. In a hyperparameter search, whether a single model is trained or a lot of models are trained in parallel is largely determined by?

A.The number of hyperparameters you have to tune.

B. The presence of local minima in your neural network.

C. The amount of computational power you can access.

D. Whether you use batch or mini-batch optimization.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. A data analyst creates a term-document matrix for the following sentence: I saw a cat, a dog and another cat. Assuming they used a binary vectorizer, what is the resulting weight for the word cat?


B. 1

C. 3

D. 2

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A data scientist is exploring transaction data from a chain of stores with several locations. The data includes store number, date of sale, and purchase amount. If the data scientist wants to compare total monthly sales between stores, which two options would be good ways to aggregate the data? (Choose two.)

A.Find the sum of the transaction prices

B. Select the largest transaction amount by month and store

C. Write a GROUP BY query

D. Plot a time series plot of transaction amounts

E. Generate a pivot table

Correct Answer: B, D

Q4. Which is an example of a nominal scale data?

A.a variable industry with categorical values such as financial, engineering, and retail

B. a variable mood with a scale of values unhappy, ok, and happy

C. a variable bank account balance whose possible values are $5, $10, and $15

D. a variable temperature with a scale of values low, medium, and high

Correct Answer: C

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