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IBM C1000-162 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: IBM Certified Analyst – Security QRadar SIEM V7.5
Exam Code: C1000-162
Related Certification(s):

  • IBM Certified Analyst Certifications
  • IBM Certified Analyst – Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Certifications
Certification Provider: IBM
Number of C1000-162 practice questions in our database: 139
Expected C1000-162 Exam Topics, as suggested by IBM :

  • Module 1: Offense Analysis: This topic is all about identifying how the offense happened, where that particular offense happened, and which players involved in the offense.
  • Module 2: Rules and building block design: In this topic questions about Interpreting rules that test for regular expressions. It also discusses creation and management of reference sets. The topic also point outs the need for QRadar Content Packs. Lastly the exam topic describes different types of rules such as behavioral, anomaly and threshold rules.
  • Module 3: Threat Hunting: Threat hunting starts with results which are presented in an offense. Moreover, the topic also focuses on evidence inside an offense, including event and flow details. It also delves into triggered rules, payloads, and filters to differentiate real threats from false ones.
  • Module 4: Dashboard Management: The topic is all about the dashboard tab which focuses on specific areas of network security. Questions about using the default QRadar dashboard and using Pulse also appear in this topic.
  • Module 5: Searching and Reporting: In this topic, you study how to effectively use QRadar’s search capability. You learn how to use QRadar’s search capabilities such as filtering event, asset related data, flow, and creating quick and advanced searches. This topic delves into using various parts of the QRadar UI as well.


Exam Name: IBM Certified Analyst – Security QRadar SIEM V7.5
Exam Code: C1000-162
Related Certification(s):

  • IBM Certified Analyst Certifications
  • IBM Certified Analyst – Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Certifications
Certification Provider: IBM
Number of C1000-162 practice questions in our database: 139
Expected C1000-162 Exam Topics, as suggested by IBM :

  • Module 1: Offense Analysis: This topic is all about identifying how the offense happened, where that particular offense happened, and which players involved in the offense.
  • Module 2: Rules and building block design: In this topic questions about Interpreting rules that test for regular expressions. It also discusses creation and management of reference sets. The topic also point outs the need for QRadar Content Packs. Lastly the exam topic describes different types of rules such as behavioral, anomaly and threshold rules.
  • Module 3: Threat Hunting: Threat hunting starts with results which are presented in an offense. Moreover, the topic also focuses on evidence inside an offense, including event and flow details. It also delves into triggered rules, payloads, and filters to differentiate real threats from false ones.
  • Module 4: Dashboard Management: The topic is all about the dashboard tab which focuses on specific areas of network security. Questions about using the default QRadar dashboard and using Pulse also appear in this topic.
  • Module 5: Searching and Reporting: In this topic, you study how to effectively use QRadar’s search capability. You learn how to use QRadar’s search capabilities such as filtering event, asset related data, flow, and creating quick and advanced searches. This topic delves into using various parts of the QRadar UI as well.


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Q1. Which log source and protocol combination delivers events to QRadar in real time?

A.Sophos Enterprise console via JDBC

B. McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator via JDBC

C. McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator via SNMP

D. Solaris Basic Security Mode (BSM) via Log File Protocol

Correct Answer: C

Q2. What is the effect of toggling the Global/Local option to Global in a Custom Rule?

A.It allows a rule to compare events & flows in real time.

B. It allows a rule to analyze the geographic location of the event source.

C. It allows rules to be tracked by the central processor for detection by any Event Processor.

D. It allows a rule to inject new events back into the pipeline to affect and update other incoming events.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which kind of information do log sources provide?

A.User login actions

B. Operating system updates

C. Flows generated by users

D. Router configuration exports.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. What is the effect of toggling the Global/Local option to Global in a Custom Rule?

A.It allows a rule to compare events & flows in real time.

B. It allows a rule to analyze the geographic location of the event source.

C. It allows rules to be tracked by the central processor for detection by any Event Processor.

D. It allows a rule to inject new events back into the pipeline to affect and update other incoming events.

Correct Answer: D

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