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CyberArk CPC-SEN Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: CyberArk Sentry – Privilege Cloud
Exam Code: CPC-SEN
Related Certification(s): CyberArk Sentry Certification
Certification Provider: CyberArk
Number of CPC-SEN practice questions in our database: 
Expected CPC-SEN Exam Topics, as suggested by CyberArk :

  • Module 1: CyberArk Privilege Cloud Overview: This section covers CyberArk Privilege Cloud overview that offers a secure architecture for managing privileged access. It supports essential PAM concepts, focusing on controlling access to sensitive information.
  • Module 2: Installation and Configuration: For Cyberark System Administrator, this section measures skills related to deploying CyberArk Privilege Cloud integration. It covers configuring the environment optimizes performance and strengthens security.
  • Module 3: User Management: This section measures the skills of Security Engineers in managing user roles and permissions centrally in CyberArk, implementing secure authentication and authorization for user access.
  • Module 4: Troubleshooting and Support: This section for Cybersecurity Professionals tests how they can quickly resolve issues with CyberArk’s support resources to maintain system functionality and security.


Exam Name: CyberArk Sentry – Privilege Cloud
Exam Code: CPC-SEN
Related Certification(s): CyberArk Sentry Certification
Certification Provider: CyberArk
Number of CPC-SEN practice questions in our database: 
Expected CPC-SEN Exam Topics, as suggested by CyberArk :

  • Module 1: CyberArk Privilege Cloud Overview: This section covers CyberArk Privilege Cloud overview that offers a secure architecture for managing privileged access. It supports essential PAM concepts, focusing on controlling access to sensitive information.
  • Module 2: Installation and Configuration: For Cyberark System Administrator, this section measures skills related to deploying CyberArk Privilege Cloud integration. It covers configuring the environment optimizes performance and strengthens security.
  • Module 3: User Management: This section measures the skills of Security Engineers in managing user roles and permissions centrally in CyberArk, implementing secure authentication and authorization for user access.
  • Module 4: Troubleshooting and Support: This section for Cybersecurity Professionals tests how they can quickly resolve issues with CyberArk’s support resources to maintain system functionality and security.


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Q1. Which statement is correct about using the AllowedSafes platform parameter?

A.It allows users to access accounts in specific safes.

B. It prevents the CPM from scanning all safes, restricting it to scan only safes that match the AllowedSafes configuration.

C. It allows the CPM to access PSM safes to monitor platform configuration and connection component changes.

D. It prevents the CPM from processing pending items in the Discovery safes enforcing manual intervention to complete the onboarding process.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. After a scripted installation has successfully installed the PSM, which post-installation task is performed?

A.The screen saver for the PSM local users is disabled.

B. A new group called PSMShadowUsers is created.

C. The PSMAdminConnect user password is reset.

D. Remote desktop services are installed.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which statement is correct about using the AllowedSafes platform parameter?

A.It allows users to access accounts in specific safes.

B. It prevents the CPM from scanning all safes, restricting it to scan only safes that match the AllowedSafes configuration.

C. It allows the CPM to access PSM safes to monitor platform configuration and connection component changes.

D. It prevents the CPM from processing pending items in the Discovery safes enforcing manual intervention to complete the onboarding process.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. After a scripted installation has successfully installed the PSM, which post-installation task is performed?

A.The screen saver for the PSM local users is disabled.

B. A new group called PSMShadowUsers is created.

C. The PSMAdminConnect user password is reset.

D. Remote desktop services are installed.

Correct Answer: A

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