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Teradata TDVCL2 Exam Dumps And Updated Info

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Exam Name: Associate VantageCloud Lake 2.0 Exam

Exam Code: TDVCL2

Related Certification(s): Teradata VantageCloud Lake Consultant Certification

Certification Provider: Teradata

Number of TDVCL2 practice questions in our database: 51

Expected TDVCL2 Exam Topics, as outlined by Teradata:

Module 1: General Concepts (18%)
Candidates should understand relational concepts, characteristics of relational databases and dimensional models, use cases for deploying these models, and identify ClearScape Analytics™ capabilities in VantageCloud Lake.

Module 2: VantageCloud Lake Architecture & Components (36%)
Candidates should comprehend data flow from source to consumption, features and benefits of VantageCloud Lake’s logical components, definitions of objects within the platform, space and storage options, table definition components, and the purpose of workload management.

Module 3: Security and Privacy (11%)
Candidates should identify privacy and security mechanisms, features for managing user privileges, and functions and types of user authentication.

Module 4: Data Architectures (13%)
Candidates should grasp high-level concepts and major components of data lake architecture, understand use cases, data flow, reasons for deploying a data lake architecture, and identify reasons for using AI.

Module 5: Data Distribution and Access (11%)
Candidates should identify use cases of advanced indexes, the impact of the Primary Index on data distribution, differences between Primary Index and Primary Key, types, levels, and functionality of locking, the purpose and components of the access layer, and use cases of semi-structured data.

Module 6: Teradata Tools and Utilities (11%)
Candidates must identify common data integration techniques, features and functions to administer and monitor VantageCloud Lake, access methods for VantageCloud Lake, and features and functions to manage and monitor analytic workflows.


Exam Name: Associate VantageCloud Lake 2.0 Exam

Exam Code: TDVCL2

Related Certification(s): Teradata VantageCloud Lake Consultant Certification

Certification Provider: Teradata

Number of TDVCL2 practice questions in our database: 51

Expected TDVCL2 Exam Topics, as outlined by Teradata:

Module 1: General Concepts (18%)
Candidates should understand relational concepts, characteristics of relational databases and dimensional models, use cases for deploying these models, and identify ClearScape Analytics™ capabilities in VantageCloud Lake.

Module 2: VantageCloud Lake Architecture & Components (36%)
Candidates should comprehend data flow from source to consumption, features and benefits of VantageCloud Lake’s logical components, definitions of objects within the platform, space and storage options, table definition components, and the purpose of workload management.

Module 3: Security and Privacy (11%)
Candidates should identify privacy and security mechanisms, features for managing user privileges, and functions and types of user authentication.

Module 4: Data Architectures (13%)
Candidates should grasp high-level concepts and major components of data lake architecture, understand use cases, data flow, reasons for deploying a data lake architecture, and identify reasons for using AI.

Module 5: Data Distribution and Access (11%)
Candidates should identify use cases of advanced indexes, the impact of the Primary Index on data distribution, differences between Primary Index and Primary Key, types, levels, and functionality of locking, the purpose and components of the access layer, and use cases of semi-structured data.

Module 6: Teradata Tools and Utilities (11%)
Candidates must identify common data integration techniques, features and functions to administer and monitor VantageCloud Lake, access methods for VantageCloud Lake, and features and functions to manage and monitor analytic workflows.


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Q1. Which Analytics Database component performs the work associated with generating an answer set?






Q2. Where should tables be stored when low latency is required for tight service level goals?

A.Object File System

B. Compute Worker Storage

C. Native Object Store

D. Native Disk Storage


Q3. When work runs in a Computer Cluster, what does the Compute Cluster do with the result set?

A.Results are placed in Native Object Store

B. Results are placed in Object File System

C. Results are sent to the Session Manager

D. Results are sent to the Primary Cluster


Q4. A business collects sensor data from vehicles for maintenance analysis. Each model-year adds new data attributes, and occasionally obsolete attributes are dropped from the sensor data. Which type of storage is most appropriate for this data?

A.Sparse join index

B. Third-normal form relational

C. Denormalized dimensional

D. Semi-structured JSON


Q5. What is a reason for deploying a data lake architecture?

A.Secure the environment by restricting the analytic programming languages to R and Python.

B. Ensure modeled and structured data is used to answer all business questions.

C. Capability to access data with the latest open source and commercial analytic technologies

D. Eliminate data preparation required on alternative architectures for analytic model creation.


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