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MuleSoft MCIA-Level-1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect – Level 1
Exam Code: MCIA-Level-1
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of MCIA-Level-1 practice questions in our database: 273
Expected MCIA-Level-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Designing networks for Anypoint Connectors/ Recognize scenarios where message correlation is necessary
  • Module 2: Identify metrics and operations exposed by default via JMX/ Configuring and provisioning Anypoint Platform
  • Module 3: Specify testing strategies that use both mocking and invoking of external dependencies/ Designing and documenting enterprise integration architecture
  • Module 4: Formulate an effective source code management strategy including branching and merging/ Configure business groups, roles, and permissions within an Anypoint Platform organization
  • Module 5: Specify the purpose of various MuleSoft products in the area of DevOps and CI/CD/ Select Anypoint Platform identity management vs client management for the correct purpose
  • Module 6: For a given API or integration, identify the steps that need to be taken in order for testing to occur/ Select monitoring options for all available Anypoint Platform deployment options
  • Module 7: Use transport protocols and connectors correctly and coherently when and where applicable/ Identify integrations scenarios when to use batch
  • Module 8: Given a description of an integration problem, identify the most appropriate integration style/ Design for short or long retries using reconnection strategies
  • Module 9: Operating and monitoring integration solutions/ Design parts of an integration solution using any SOA-based integration approach
  • Module 10: Handling integration implementation lifecycles/ Define a performant and HA deployment architecture for Mule applications in on-prem deployments
  • Module 11: Specify the requirements that would require the use of domain-level connectors/ Architecting resilient and performant integration solutions
  • Module 12: Use streaming to handle large payloads within Mule applications/ Recognize the purpose of various fault-tolerance strategies for remote calls
  • Module 13: Use Mule 4 constructs to make effective use of Enterprise Integration Patterns/ Specify the connectors that can participate in the different types of transactions
  • Module 14: Determine if horizontal scaling will help a Mule application meet its performance targets/ Designing applications with Anypoint Connectors Identify common and distinguishing features and usage scenarios for CloudHub DLBs and public CloudHub LBs/ Match protocols with networking constraints and API layers


Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect – Level 1
Exam Code: MCIA-Level-1
Related Certification(s): MuleSoft Certified Architect Certification
Certification Provider: MuleSoft
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of MCIA-Level-1 practice questions in our database: 273
Expected MCIA-Level-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by MuleSoft :

  • Module 1: Designing networks for Anypoint Connectors/ Recognize scenarios where message correlation is necessary
  • Module 2: Identify metrics and operations exposed by default via JMX/ Configuring and provisioning Anypoint Platform
  • Module 3: Specify testing strategies that use both mocking and invoking of external dependencies/ Designing and documenting enterprise integration architecture
  • Module 4: Formulate an effective source code management strategy including branching and merging/ Configure business groups, roles, and permissions within an Anypoint Platform organization
  • Module 5: Specify the purpose of various MuleSoft products in the area of DevOps and CI/CD/ Select Anypoint Platform identity management vs client management for the correct purpose
  • Module 6: For a given API or integration, identify the steps that need to be taken in order for testing to occur/ Select monitoring options for all available Anypoint Platform deployment options
  • Module 7: Use transport protocols and connectors correctly and coherently when and where applicable/ Identify integrations scenarios when to use batch
  • Module 8: Given a description of an integration problem, identify the most appropriate integration style/ Design for short or long retries using reconnection strategies
  • Module 9: Operating and monitoring integration solutions/ Design parts of an integration solution using any SOA-based integration approach
  • Module 10: Handling integration implementation lifecycles/ Define a performant and HA deployment architecture for Mule applications in on-prem deployments
  • Module 11: Specify the requirements that would require the use of domain-level connectors/ Architecting resilient and performant integration solutions
  • Module 12: Use streaming to handle large payloads within Mule applications/ Recognize the purpose of various fault-tolerance strategies for remote calls
  • Module 13: Use Mule 4 constructs to make effective use of Enterprise Integration Patterns/ Specify the connectors that can participate in the different types of transactions
  • Module 14: Determine if horizontal scaling will help a Mule application meet its performance targets/ Designing applications with Anypoint Connectors Identify common and distinguishing features and usage scenarios for CloudHub DLBs and public CloudHub LBs/ Match protocols with networking constraints and API layers


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Q1. A key Cl/CD capability of any enterprise solution is a testing framework to write and run repeatable tests. Which component of Anypoint Platform provides the te6t automation capabilities for customers to use in their pipelines?

A.Anypoint CLl

B. Mule Maven Plugin

C. Exchange Mocking Service

D. MUnit

Correct Answer: D

Q2. What is an advantage of using OAuth 2.0 client credentials and access tokens over only API keys for API authentication?

A.If the access token is compromised, the client credentials do not to be reissued.

B. If the access token is compromised, I can be exchanged for an API key.

C. If the client ID is compromised, it can be exchanged for an API key

D. If the client secret is compromised, the client credentials do not have to be reissued.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Cloud Hub is an example of which cloud computing service model?

A.Platform as a Service (PaaS)

B. Software as a Service (SaaS)

C. Monitoring as a Service (MaaS)

D. Infrastructure as a Service (laaS)

Correct Answer: A

Q4. During a planning session with the executive leadership, the development team director presents plans for a new API to expose the data in the company's order database. An earlier effort to build an API on top of this data failed, so the director is recommending a design-first approach. Which characteristics of a design-first approach will help make this API successful?

A.Building MUnit tests so administrators can confirm code coverage percentage during deployment

B. Publishing the fully implemented API to Exchange so all developers can reuse the API

C. Adding global policies to the API so all developers automatically secure the implementation before coding anything

D. Developing a specification so consumers can test before the implementation is built

Correct Answer: D

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