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LPI 300-300 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: LPIC-3: Mixed Environments – Exam 300 – version 3.0
Exam Code: 300-300
Related Certification(s): LPIC-3 Mixed Environments Certification
Certification Provider: LPI
Number of 300-300 practice questions in our database: 53

Expected 300-300 Exam Topics, as suggested by LPI :

  • Module 1: Samba Basics: This topic discusses Samba concepts, architecture, configuration, and maintenance.
  • Module 2: Samba and Active Directory Domains: It focuses on active directory domain controller, active directory name resolution, and active directory user management. Additionally, the topic focuses on Samba domain membership and Samba local user management.
  • Module 3: Samba Share Configuration: The topic deals with the sub-topics of fire share configuration, file share security, DFS share configuration, and print share configuration.
  • Module 4: Samba Client Configuration: Linux authentication clients, Linux CIFS clients, and Windows clients are discussed in this topic.
  • Module 5: Linux Identity Management and File Sharing: This topic focuses on FreeIPA installation, FreeIPA entity management, and FreeIPA active directory integration, and network file system.


Exam Name: LPIC-3: Mixed Environments – Exam 300 – version 3.0
Exam Code: 300-300
Related Certification(s): LPIC-3 Mixed Environments Certification
Certification Provider: LPI
Number of 300-300 practice questions in our database: 53

Expected 300-300 Exam Topics, as suggested by LPI :

  • Module 1: Samba Basics: This topic discusses Samba concepts, architecture, configuration, and maintenance.
  • Module 2: Samba and Active Directory Domains: It focuses on active directory domain controller, active directory name resolution, and active directory user management. Additionally, the topic focuses on Samba domain membership and Samba local user management.
  • Module 3: Samba Share Configuration: The topic deals with the sub-topics of fire share configuration, file share security, DFS share configuration, and print share configuration.
  • Module 4: Samba Client Configuration: Linux authentication clients, Linux CIFS clients, and Windows clients are discussed in this topic.
  • Module 5: Linux Identity Management and File Sharing: This topic focuses on FreeIPA installation, FreeIPA entity management, and FreeIPA active directory integration, and network file system.


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Q1. Which of the following commands open NFSv4 ACLs in an editor? (Choose two.)

A.nfs4_setfacl -e

B. nfs4_editfacl

C. nfs4_stat -e --acl

D. nfs4_chmod -i

E. nfs4_conf

Correct Answer: A, B

Q2. In order to generate an individual log file for each of the machines connecting to a Samba server, which of the following statements must be used in the Samba configuration file?

A.log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

B. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%M

C. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%M

D. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%I

E. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%c

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which of the following statements about automount in a FreeIPA domain are true? (Choose two.)

A.In a FreeIPA domain, mount points for automount are always directories.

B. The command ipa automount up mounts all file systems handled by automount on a FreeIPA client.

C. The base configuration file for automount is /etc/auto.master.

D. In a FreeIPA domain, automount requires SSSD to be installed on each client.

E. In a FreeIPA domain, automount can only mount NFS shares from FreeIPA servers.

Correct Answer: C, D

Q4. In order to generate an individual log file for each of the machines connecting to a Samba server, which of the following statements must be used in the Samba configuration file?

A.log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

B. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%M

C. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%r

D. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%I

E. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%c

Correct Answer: A

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