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IIBA CBDA Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certification in Business Data Analytics
Related Certification(s): IIBA Specialized Business Analysis Certifications
Certification Provider: IIBA
Number of CBDA practice questions in our database: 150
Expected CBDA Exam Topics, as suggested by IIBA :

  • Module 1: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes: This section evaluates your understanding of fraudulent financial transactions in accounting records. You’ll need to showcase your knowledge of fundamental accounting and auditing principles, various fraud schemes, fraud deterrence through internal controls, additional relevant accounting and auditing topics.
  • Module 2: Law: This portion examines your grasp of legal frameworks used in prosecuting fraud cases. It also assesses your awareness of the legal implications involved in conducting fraud examinations such as elements of criminal and civil law, evidentiary rules, and legal rights of defendants and plaintiffs.
  • Module 3: Investigations: This domain assesses your proficiency in essential investigative techniques for gathering evidence and identifying fraud perpetrators and it covers effective interviewing strategies, methods for obtaining statements, accessing and utilizing public records, techniques for tracking illicit financial activities Recognizing deceptive behavior, and crafting comprehensive investigation reports.
  • Module 4: Fraud Prevention and Deterrence: In this segment, candidates are tested for their knowledge of fraud motivations and preventive measures such as theories of criminal behavior, characteristics of white-collar crime, patterns in occupational fraud, strategies for fraud prevention, conducting fraud risk assessments, ethical standards as outlined in the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics.


Exam Name: Certification in Business Data Analytics
Related Certification(s): IIBA Specialized Business Analysis Certifications
Certification Provider: IIBA
Number of CBDA practice questions in our database: 150
Expected CBDA Exam Topics, as suggested by IIBA :

  • Module 1: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes: This section evaluates your understanding of fraudulent financial transactions in accounting records. You’ll need to showcase your knowledge of fundamental accounting and auditing principles, various fraud schemes, fraud deterrence through internal controls, additional relevant accounting and auditing topics.
  • Module 2: Law: This portion examines your grasp of legal frameworks used in prosecuting fraud cases. It also assesses your awareness of the legal implications involved in conducting fraud examinations such as elements of criminal and civil law, evidentiary rules, and legal rights of defendants and plaintiffs.
  • Module 3: Investigations: This domain assesses your proficiency in essential investigative techniques for gathering evidence and identifying fraud perpetrators and it covers effective interviewing strategies, methods for obtaining statements, accessing and utilizing public records, techniques for tracking illicit financial activities Recognizing deceptive behavior, and crafting comprehensive investigation reports.
  • Module 4: Fraud Prevention and Deterrence: In this segment, candidates are tested for their knowledge of fraud motivations and preventive measures such as theories of criminal behavior, characteristics of white-collar crime, patterns in occupational fraud, strategies for fraud prevention, conducting fraud risk assessments, ethical standards as outlined in the ACFE Code of Professional Ethics.


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Q1. An analyst is performing regression analysis and reviewing the results. They would like to rescale the variables in the model to more clearly reflect the relationship between the regression coefficients. Which technique could be used to rescale the variables?

A.Dimension Reduction

B. Mean Centering

C. Normalization

D. Clustering Explanation: Normalization is a technique that rescales the values of the variables in a data set to a common range, such as [0,1] or [-1,1]. Normalization can help reduce the effect of outliers, improve the performance of some algorithms, and make the interpretation of the regression coefficients easier and more consistent. Normalization can be done using different methods, such as min-max scaling, z-score scaling, or unit vector scaling.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. The research study is complete, the data has been analyzed and the team has created the necessary high impact visuals. The business analysis professional urges the team to:

A.Present the results to stakeholders

B. Validate regression analysis

C. Curate the data

D. Develop the narrative Explanation: Developing the narrative is the process of creating a clear, concise, and compelling story that communicates the key insights, findings, and recommendations from the data analysis to the stakeholders1.Developing the narrative is an important step after completing the research study, the data analysis, and the high impact visuals, as it helps to bridge the gap between the data and the decision-making, to engage and persuade the audience, and to drive action and change2.Developing the narrative involves defining the purpose, audience, and message of the story, choosing the best format and medium to deliver the story, and using effective storytelling techniques, such as structure, context, emotion, and call to action3. Presenting the results to stakeholders is the process of delivering the data story to the intended audience, using the appropriate communication channels, methods, and tools4. Presenting the results to stakeholders is a subsequent step after developing the narrative, as it requires a well-crafted and well-prepared data story to be effective and impactful.Presenting the results to stakeholders involves planning and rehearsing the presentation, adapting to the feedback and questions, and evaluating the outcomes and impacts of the presentation5. Validating regression analysis is the process of checking the assumptions, accuracy, and suitability of a statistical model that estimates the relationship between one or more independent variables and a dependent variable. Validating regression analysis is a part of the data analysis step, not a step after completing the data analysis. Validating regression analysis involves testing the significance, fit, and residuals of the model, and comparing the model with alternative models or methods. Curating the data is the process of organizing, annotating, and preserving the data for future use, reuse, or sharing. Curating the data is a part of the data management step, not a step after completing the data analysis.Curating the data involves applying the data policies, standards, and best practices of the organization, and ensuring the quality, integrity, security, and accessibility of the data.

Correct Answer: D

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