Exam Name: Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States
Related Certification(s): IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional Certification
Certification Provider: IAPP
Actual Exam Duration: 150 Minutes
Number of CIPP-US practice questions in our database: 168
Expected CIPP-US Exam Topics, as suggested by IAPP :
- Module 1: Introduction to the U.S. Privacy Environment: This topic equips IAPP Information Privacy Professionals with foundational knowledge of the structure of U.S. law, focusing on its fragmented nature. It also explains enforcement mechanisms for privacy and security laws across federal and state levels. Lastly, it highlights the U.S. perspective on managing information, offering a comprehensive framework for understanding privacy dynamics critical to professional practice.
- Module 2: Limits on Private-sector Collection and Use of Data: Information Privacy Professionals gain insights into sector-specific data protection frameworks, including FTC’s cross-sector guidelines and rules for healthcare, financial, and educational institutions. These regulations limit data collection and usage practices, emphasizing compliance and consumer protection.
- Module 3: Government and Court Access to Private-sector Information: This topic provides an overview of government and legal system access to private-sector data, addressing privacy challenges related to law enforcement, national security, and civil litigation. It equips Information Privacy Professionals to assess privacy risks and ensure compliance when responding to governmental or judicial data requests.
- Module 4: Workplace Privacy: Workplace privacy is explored through its lifecycle—before, during, and after employment—providing Information Privacy Professionals with the knowledge to manage employee data responsibly. The topic emphasizes balancing organizational needs with compliance obligations, ensuring privacy standards are upheld in employment settings.
- Module 5: State Privacy Laws: This topic examines the interplay between federal and state authority in privacy regulation, highlighting diverse data privacy and security laws. Information Privacy Professionals also learn about state-specific data breach notification laws.
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