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Genesys GCX-ARC Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Genesys Cloud CX: Architect Certification Exam
Exam Code: GCX-ARC
Related Certification(s):

  • Genesys Certified Professional Certifications
  • Genesys Cloud CX Certifications
Certification Provider: Genesys
Number of GCX-ARC practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected GCX-ARC Exam Topics, as suggested by Genesys :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Genesys Cloud Architect: For Genesys Cloud Architects and IVR Designers, this section of the exam covers the foundational concepts of Genesys Cloud Architect. It delves into the concept of an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and explores the features of Architect.
  • Module 2: Admin Interface: For Genesys Cloud Administrators and System Configurators, this section focuses on the administrative aspects of Architect. It explains the usage of the task and state editor and covers the configuration of default flow settings. Candidates will learn how to set default action settings and event-handling behavior.
  • Module 3: Variables and Prompts: For IVR Developers and Flow Designers, this part of the exam dives into the technical aspects of working with variables and prompts in Architect. It explains the built-in variables of an Architect and demonstrates how to create expressions. The section also covers the concept and usage of prompts in detail. Scheduling in Genesys Cloud: For Workforce Managers and Operations Planners, this section covers the scheduling capabilities within Genesys Cloud. It guides candidates through the process of creating a schedule and configuring its recurrence settings. The section explains the concept of schedule-based routing and its implications for contact center operations.
  • Module 4: Flow Configurations: For Contact Center Architects and Solution Designers, this domain of the exam covers advanced flow configurations in Genesys Cloud. It starts with defining routing strategies and then moves on to using inbound flows to create routing paths for incoming calls. The section covers the configuration of Salesforce data actions integration, explaining how to connect Genesys Cloud with external CRM systems.


Exam Name: Genesys Cloud CX: Architect Certification Exam
Exam Code: GCX-ARC
Related Certification(s):

  • Genesys Certified Professional Certifications
  • Genesys Cloud CX Certifications
Certification Provider: Genesys
Number of GCX-ARC practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected GCX-ARC Exam Topics, as suggested by Genesys :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Genesys Cloud Architect: For Genesys Cloud Architects and IVR Designers, this section of the exam covers the foundational concepts of Genesys Cloud Architect. It delves into the concept of an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and explores the features of Architect.
  • Module 2: Admin Interface: For Genesys Cloud Administrators and System Configurators, this section focuses on the administrative aspects of Architect. It explains the usage of the task and state editor and covers the configuration of default flow settings. Candidates will learn how to set default action settings and event-handling behavior.
  • Module 3: Variables and Prompts: For IVR Developers and Flow Designers, this part of the exam dives into the technical aspects of working with variables and prompts in Architect. It explains the built-in variables of an Architect and demonstrates how to create expressions. The section also covers the concept and usage of prompts in detail. Scheduling in Genesys Cloud: For Workforce Managers and Operations Planners, this section covers the scheduling capabilities within Genesys Cloud. It guides candidates through the process of creating a schedule and configuring its recurrence settings. The section explains the concept of schedule-based routing and its implications for contact center operations.
  • Module 4: Flow Configurations: For Contact Center Architects and Solution Designers, this domain of the exam covers advanced flow configurations in Genesys Cloud. It starts with defining routing strategies and then moves on to using inbound flows to create routing paths for incoming calls. The section covers the configuration of Salesforce data actions integration, explaining how to connect Genesys Cloud with external CRM systems.


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Q1. The Utilization feature of Genesys Cloud allows administrators to configure: (Choose three.)

A.The maximum capacity that an agent may handle simultaneously for each supported media type

B. The after call work time for each media type

C. The length of time that an agent may spend on each media type

D. The number of different media types that an agent may handle simultaneously

E. The media types that can interrupt current interactions that an agent is handling

Correct Answer: A, D, E

Q2. Select the types of scheduling available in Genesys Cloud. (Choose two.)

A.Manual Scheduling

B. Load based Scheduling

C. Automated Scheduling

D. All of the above

Correct Answer: B, C

Q3. You want to create a call flow to get the customer's unique identification number. Select the correct action to accomplish the task.

A.Data Table Lookup

B. Collect Input

C. Collect Data

D. Call Data Action

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Select the types of scheduling available in Genesys Cloud. (Choose two.)

A.Manual Scheduling

B. Load based Scheduling

C. Automated Scheduling

D. All of the above

Correct Answer: B, C

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