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Exin DEVOPSF Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: EXIN DevOps Foundation
Exam Code: DEVOPSF
Related Certification(s): Exin DevOps Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of DEVOPSF practice questions in our database: 40
Expected DEVOPSF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Identify the difficulties a rigid IT department poses on implementing DevOps/ Clarify that DevOps is not a part of Agile
  • Module 2: Identify the challenges when implementing a deployment pipeline/ Identify decreasing time to market as a reason for using DevOps
  • Module 3: Identify solutions for working with commercial off-the-shelfsoftware when there is no other option/ Describe the historical developments from Waterfall to Scrum to Agile
  • Module 4: Clarify the risk of commercial off-the-shelfsoftware in strategic business lines/ Explain how DevOps developed from a historical perspective
  • Module 5: Clarify how DevOps deals with solving incidents and defects differently/ Outline how DevOps is an expansion of Lean and Agile thinking
  • Module 6: Identify conditions that make adoption of DevOps interesting for the business/ Identify reducing technical debt as a reason for using DevOps
  • Module 7: Identify ways to deal with bottlenecks/ Identify eliminating fragility as a reason for using DevOps
  • Module 8: Characterize the need for a flexible mindset to change and innovation/ Clarify how DevOps can yield a greater return onIT than other practices
  • Module 9: Clarify how DevOps focuses more on adding value to the business/ Clarify how a value stream mapping (VSM) may help optimizing processes in the business
  • Module 10: Describe the developments in virtualization and cloud computing that enable DevOps/ Clarify how DevOps facilitates more frequent releases
  • Module 11: Explain the importance of supporting innovation/ Explain why value stream thinking is the core of DevOps


Exam Name: EXIN DevOps Foundation
Exam Code: DEVOPSF
Related Certification(s): Exin DevOps Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of DEVOPSF practice questions in our database: 40
Expected DEVOPSF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Identify the difficulties a rigid IT department poses on implementing DevOps/ Clarify that DevOps is not a part of Agile
  • Module 2: Identify the challenges when implementing a deployment pipeline/ Identify decreasing time to market as a reason for using DevOps
  • Module 3: Identify solutions for working with commercial off-the-shelfsoftware when there is no other option/ Describe the historical developments from Waterfall to Scrum to Agile
  • Module 4: Clarify the risk of commercial off-the-shelfsoftware in strategic business lines/ Explain how DevOps developed from a historical perspective
  • Module 5: Clarify how DevOps deals with solving incidents and defects differently/ Outline how DevOps is an expansion of Lean and Agile thinking
  • Module 6: Identify conditions that make adoption of DevOps interesting for the business/ Identify reducing technical debt as a reason for using DevOps
  • Module 7: Identify ways to deal with bottlenecks/ Identify eliminating fragility as a reason for using DevOps
  • Module 8: Characterize the need for a flexible mindset to change and innovation/ Clarify how DevOps can yield a greater return onIT than other practices
  • Module 9: Clarify how DevOps focuses more on adding value to the business/ Clarify how a value stream mapping (VSM) may help optimizing processes in the business
  • Module 10: Describe the developments in virtualization and cloud computing that enable DevOps/ Clarify how DevOps facilitates more frequent releases
  • Module 11: Explain the importance of supporting innovation/ Explain why value stream thinking is the core of DevOps


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Q1. Your team works in three-week iterations and cannot get all the work for a batch done within the iteration. They frequently encounter bottlenecks. What is the best reaction of the team after they identify a bottleneck?

A.Discuss with the Product Owner which work can be shifted to another iteration

B. Extend the length of this particular iteration to four weeks to remove the bottleneck

C. Trust that they will solve the bottleneck in the next batch or iteration

Correct Answer: B

Q2. What is the DevOps practice called that maximizes detection of common errors?

A.Shift Defect

B. Shift Down

C. Shift Left

D. Shift Right

E. Shift Up

Correct Answer: C

Q3. When will an organization find it difficult to adopt DevOps practices?

A.When many bureaucratic processes are in place, because this causes inflexibility

B. When microservices are used, because they expand the attack surface

C. When operational complexity is high, because DevOps needs a simple architecture

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Why is reducing the fragility of a business system difficult?

A.Because doing so will disrupt the current product and service timelines

B. Because doing so will increase the number of incidents that occur temporarily

C. Because it is difficult to deliberately introduce chaos into the Production environment

D. Because of the high risks of business disruption when integrating large numbers of systems

Correct Answer: D

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