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Esri EADA105 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ArcGIS Desktop Associate 10.5
Exam Code: EADA105
Related Certification(s): Esri ArcGIS Desktop Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Esri
Number of EADA105 practice questions in our database: 96
Expected EADA105 Exam Topics, as suggested by Esri :

  • Module 1: Identify the purpose of metadata, item description, and other properties for sharing/ Apply spatial and attribute data validation
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, determine the appropriate existing geo database elements to use/ Determine how to repair the link between a layer and its data source
  • Module 3: Given a scenario, determine how to migrate data to a file geo database, feature class, or table/ Identify the purpose of metadata, item description, and other properties for sharing
  • Module 4: Use the ArcGIS platform’s editing functionality to create, modify, and delete 2D and 3D data/ Identify analysis tools available from the connected portal
  • Module 5: Compare the functionality of table joins and relates, relationship classes, and spatial joins/ Manage metadata and item details
  • Module 6: Identify how to control the coordinate system and geo graphic transformation inArcGIS Desktop
  • Module 7: Use the ArcGIS platform’s editing functionality to create, modify, and delete 2D and 3D data


Exam Name: ArcGIS Desktop Associate 10.5
Exam Code: EADA105
Related Certification(s): Esri ArcGIS Desktop Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Esri
Number of EADA105 practice questions in our database: 96
Expected EADA105 Exam Topics, as suggested by Esri :

  • Module 1: Identify the purpose of metadata, item description, and other properties for sharing/ Apply spatial and attribute data validation
  • Module 2: Given a scenario, determine the appropriate existing geo database elements to use/ Determine how to repair the link between a layer and its data source
  • Module 3: Given a scenario, determine how to migrate data to a file geo database, feature class, or table/ Identify the purpose of metadata, item description, and other properties for sharing
  • Module 4: Use the ArcGIS platform’s editing functionality to create, modify, and delete 2D and 3D data/ Identify analysis tools available from the connected portal
  • Module 5: Compare the functionality of table joins and relates, relationship classes, and spatial joins/ Manage metadata and item details
  • Module 6: Identify how to control the coordinate system and geo graphic transformation inArcGIS Desktop
  • Module 7: Use the ArcGIS platform’s editing functionality to create, modify, and delete 2D and 3D data


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Q1. A GIS analyst regularly sends data to contractors. The datasets are stored in an enterprise geodatabase. The GIS analyst will prepare either a file geodatabase or shapefile depending on the contractor. Only a certain subset of the dataset should be sent, and this process will be scripted. Which tool should the GIS analyst use to meet all requirements?


B. Append

C. Feature Class To Feature Class

D. Table To Table

Correct Answer: C

Q2. A GIS technician has two polygon feature classes, A and B, which have overlapping features. The technician must remove the area of B from A. Which tool should the technician use?


B. Union

C. Erase

D. Intersect

Correct Answer: C

Q3. A utility has power lines that span a wide area and needs to report mileage of those power lines in specific boundaries. Which overlay analysis will provide only the sections of power lines in the required boundaries?


B. Intersect

C. Identify

D. Erase

Correct Answer: C

Q4. An ArcGIS Pro analyst wants to see only the rows in a table that meet one of a number of specified conditions. The analyst successfully tests the conditions by using selection expressions in Select Layer by Attribute. What is an efficient way to persist the row choice conditions as separate objects that appear each time the project is opened?

A.Select Layer by Attribute with each expression > Copy Rows to new tables

B. Make Table View with each expression using a descriptive output view name > Save the project

C. Select Layer by Attribute with each expression > Save the expressions to .exp files for re-use

D. Table to Table with each expression

Correct Answer: A

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