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Dama CDMP-RMD Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Reference And Master Data Management
Exam Code: CDMP-RMD
Related Certification(s): Dama Certified Data Management Professionals CDMP Certification
Certification Provider: Dama
Number of CDMP-RMD practice questions in our database: 100
Expected CDMP-RMD Exam Topics, as suggested by Dama :

  • Module 1: Fundamentals of Reference and Master Data: The fundamental ideas of reference and master data are covered in this section, along with their definitions, distinctions, and significance in data management.
  • Module 2: Data Governance: The function of data governance in reference and master data management is examined in this section. It addresses policies, accountability, and data ownership.
  • Module 3: Data Architecture: The design and implementation of data architecture for reference and master data are covered in detail in this topic. It addresses concepts including integration, standardization, and data modeling.
  • Module 4: Data Stewardship: The management of reference and master data by data stewards is the focal point of this topic. It addresses concepts such as accuracy, consistency, and quality of data.
  • Module 5: Data Quality Management: The methods and procedures for guaranteeing the quality of reference and master data are examined in this topic. Moreover, it focuses on validation, monitoring, and data cleansing.
  • Module 6: Master Data Management (MDM) Lifecycle: The phases of the MDM lifecycle such as planning, design, implementation, and continuous operation are covered in this section.
  • Module 7: Reference Data Management (RDM) Lifecycle: The lifecycle of reference data management is covered in this topic.
  • Module 8: MDM and RDM Tools and Technologies: The technologies and tools available for managing reference and master data are discussed in this section.


Exam Name: Reference And Master Data Management
Exam Code: CDMP-RMD
Related Certification(s): Dama Certified Data Management Professionals CDMP Certification
Certification Provider: Dama
Number of CDMP-RMD practice questions in our database: 100
Expected CDMP-RMD Exam Topics, as suggested by Dama :

  • Module 1: Fundamentals of Reference and Master Data: The fundamental ideas of reference and master data are covered in this section, along with their definitions, distinctions, and significance in data management.
  • Module 2: Data Governance: The function of data governance in reference and master data management is examined in this section. It addresses policies, accountability, and data ownership.
  • Module 3: Data Architecture: The design and implementation of data architecture for reference and master data are covered in detail in this topic. It addresses concepts including integration, standardization, and data modeling.
  • Module 4: Data Stewardship: The management of reference and master data by data stewards is the focal point of this topic. It addresses concepts such as accuracy, consistency, and quality of data.
  • Module 5: Data Quality Management: The methods and procedures for guaranteeing the quality of reference and master data are examined in this topic. Moreover, it focuses on validation, monitoring, and data cleansing.
  • Module 6: Master Data Management (MDM) Lifecycle: The phases of the MDM lifecycle such as planning, design, implementation, and continuous operation are covered in this section.
  • Module 7: Reference Data Management (RDM) Lifecycle: The lifecycle of reference data management is covered in this topic.
  • Module 8: MDM and RDM Tools and Technologies: The technologies and tools available for managing reference and master data are discussed in this section.


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Q1. The format and allowable ranges of Master Data values are dictated by:

A.Business rules

B. Semantic rules

C. Processing rules

D. Engagement rules

E. Database limitations

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which of the following is NOT an example of Master Data?

A.A categorization of products

B. A list of account codes

C. Planned control activities

D. A list of country codes

E. Currency codes

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Every process within a MDM framework includes:

A.Reference data

B. Automation of all process tasks

C. A separate data steward

D. A degree of governance

E. Data enrichment

Correct Answer: D

Q4. Which of the following reasons is a reason why MDM programs are often not successful?

A.Too much emphasis on technology rather than people and process components

B. All of the above

C. Poor positioning of MDM program responsibility within the IT organization

D. Not enough business commitment and engagement

E. MDM initiative is run as a project rather than a program

Correct Answer: B

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