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CWNP CWAP-404 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Wireless Analysis Professional Exam
Exam Code: CWAP-404
Related Certification(s): CWNP Certified Wireless Analysis Professional CWAP Certification
Certification Provider: CWNP
Number of CWAP-404 practice questions in our database:
Expected CWAP-404 Exam Topics, as suggested by CWNP :

  • Module 1: Protocol Analysis: The topic in the CWNP CWAP-404 exam evaluates the skill of a wireless network professional to capture and analyze 802.11 frames effectively. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in configuring protocol analysis tools, interpreting frame captures to diagnose issues, and applying appropriate troubleshooting methods.
  • Module 2: Spectrum Analysis: The topic assesses the ability of a wireless network professional to capture and interpret RF spectrum data. The exam targets the skills in identifying device signatures and RF issues through spectrum analyzers.
  • Module 3: PHY Layers and Technologies: In the topic, the CWAP-404 exam tests the understanding of a wireless network professional about the Physical (PHY) layer functions and technologies. Wireless analysts need to describe and apply knowledge of PHY headers, PPDUs, and other PHY-related data. This topic ensures that analysts are proficient in interpreting PHY information within protocol analyzers and can select appropriate capture devices for different PHY types.
  • Module 4: MAC Sublayer and Functions: The topic measures the ability of a wireless network professional to understand and analyze the MAC layer operations. Candidates are expected to validate BSS configurations and identify issues like CRC errors and retransmissions, ensuring they can maintain the integrity and performance of the WLAN.
  • Module 5: WLAN Medium Access: The exam evaluates the understanding of a wireless network professional about 802.11 contention algorithms and their impact on WLAN performance. The CWAP-404 exam requires candidates to analyze QoS configurations and operations.
  • Module 6: Frame Exchanges: The topic evaluates the skills of a wireless network professional in capturing, understanding, and analyzing various frame exchanges, including BSS discovery, joining, roaming, and data frames. The CWAP-404 exam targets the ability of candidates to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to MAC layer operations, ensuring they can maintain robust and efficient WLAN communications.


Exam Name: Certified Wireless Analysis Professional Exam
Exam Code: CWAP-404
Related Certification(s): CWNP Certified Wireless Analysis Professional CWAP Certification
Certification Provider: CWNP
Number of CWAP-404 practice questions in our database:
Expected CWAP-404 Exam Topics, as suggested by CWNP :

  • Module 1: Protocol Analysis: The topic in the CWNP CWAP-404 exam evaluates the skill of a wireless network professional to capture and analyze 802.11 frames effectively. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency in configuring protocol analysis tools, interpreting frame captures to diagnose issues, and applying appropriate troubleshooting methods.
  • Module 2: Spectrum Analysis: The topic assesses the ability of a wireless network professional to capture and interpret RF spectrum data. The exam targets the skills in identifying device signatures and RF issues through spectrum analyzers.
  • Module 3: PHY Layers and Technologies: In the topic, the CWAP-404 exam tests the understanding of a wireless network professional about the Physical (PHY) layer functions and technologies. Wireless analysts need to describe and apply knowledge of PHY headers, PPDUs, and other PHY-related data. This topic ensures that analysts are proficient in interpreting PHY information within protocol analyzers and can select appropriate capture devices for different PHY types.
  • Module 4: MAC Sublayer and Functions: The topic measures the ability of a wireless network professional to understand and analyze the MAC layer operations. Candidates are expected to validate BSS configurations and identify issues like CRC errors and retransmissions, ensuring they can maintain the integrity and performance of the WLAN.
  • Module 5: WLAN Medium Access: The exam evaluates the understanding of a wireless network professional about 802.11 contention algorithms and their impact on WLAN performance. The CWAP-404 exam requires candidates to analyze QoS configurations and operations.
  • Module 6: Frame Exchanges: The topic evaluates the skills of a wireless network professional in capturing, understanding, and analyzing various frame exchanges, including BSS discovery, joining, roaming, and data frames. The CWAP-404 exam targets the ability of candidates to troubleshoot and resolve issues related to MAC layer operations, ensuring they can maintain robust and efficient WLAN communications.


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Q1. How many frames make up the Group Key Handshake excluding any Ack frames that may be required?


B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Correct Answer: B

Q2. When would you expect to see a Reassociation Request frame'

A.Every time a STA associates to an AP to which it has previously been associated

B. Only when a STA is using FT roaming

C. Only when a STA roams back to an AP it has previously been associated with

D. Every time a STA roams

Correct Answer: D

Q3. How many frames make up the Group Key Handshake excluding any Ack frames that may be required?


B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A manufacturing facility has installed a new automation system which incorporates an 802.11 wireless network. The automation system is controlled from tablet computers connected via the WLAN. However, the automation system has not gone live due to problem with the tablets connecting to the WLAN. The WLAN vendor has been onsite to perform a survey and confirmed good primary and secondary coverage across the facility. As a CWAP you are called in to perform Spectrum Analysis to identify any interference sources. From the spectrum analysis, you did not identify any interference sources but were able to correctly identify the issue. Which of the following issues did you identify from the spectrum analysis?

A.The tablets are connecting to the wrong SSID

B. The tablets are entering power save mode and failing to wake up to receive the access points transmissions

C. A high noise floor has resulted in a SNR of less than 20dB

D. There is a power mismatch between the APs and the clients

Correct Answer: D

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