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Citrix 1Y0-204 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Administration
Exam Code: 1Y0-204
Related Certification(s):

  • Citrix Certified Associate CCA Certifications
  • Citrix CCA Virtualization CCA-V Certifications
Certification Provider: Citrix
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1Y0-204 practice questions in our database: 181
Expected 1Y0-204 Exam Topics, as suggested by Citrix :

  • Module 1: Determine How To Optimize Server OS Published Applications For A Given Environment
  • Module 2: Install And Configure The Delivery Controller/ Identify Appropriate Printer Drivers Based On A Scenario
  • Module 3: Determine How To Analyze Published Apps In A Given Environment/ Identify The Printing Requirements For A Given Environment
  • Module 4: How To Deploy Workspace Apps In A Given Environment/ Present Applications To Users Based On A Scenario
  • Module 5: Determine Which Application Specific Properties To Use In Delivery Groups Based On A Scenario
  • Module 6: Determine How To Monitor User Sessions Based On Given Requirements/ Configure Citrix Policies Based On A Scenario
  • Module 7: Identify What Is Required For A Given Environment Prior To Deployment/ Determine How To Configure Application Groups
  • Module 8: Deploy Machines Using Machine Creation Services/ Configure Citrix Licensing For A Given Environment
  • Module 9: How To Secure Remote Access Using Citrix Gateway And The Secure Ticket Authority/ Configure A Site Based On A List Of Requirements
  • Module 10: Identify The Layers In The Layered Architecture Approach To Virtual Apps And Desktops/ Configure Citrix Profile Management
  • Module 11: Determine The Appropriate Policy Priority Based On A Scenario/ Manage Machine Catalogs And Delivery Groups
  • Module 12: Determine How To Configure Alerts And Notifications Based On A Scenario/ Appropriate Printer Mapping For A Given Environment
  • Module 13: Configure The Resource Location For A Given Environment/ Delegate Permissions To Other Administrators
  • Module 14: Determine The Proper Tool To Use To Troubleshoot A Given Issue/ How To Use Powershell To Query Information In The Site
  • Module 15: Identify Ways To Proactively Support Common Tasks In An Environment/ Determine How To Deploy Or Maintain Citrix Cloud Connector
  • Module 16: Implement Workspace Experience User Authentication Based On A Scenario/ Appropriate Hosting Platform Based On Requirements
  • Module 17: Determine The Appropriate Power Management Decisions For A Given Environment/ Migrate Policies And Catalogs In A Given Environment
  • Module 18: Determine How To Use Citrix ADM To Optimize Monitoring Through Citrix Director/ Monitor Within A Site To Find The Root Cause Of A Common Issue
  • Module 19: Determine The Behavior Of Different Types Of Machines Provisioned Using Machine Creation Services


Exam Name: Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 Administration
Exam Code: 1Y0-204
Related Certification(s):

  • Citrix Certified Associate CCA Certifications
  • Citrix CCA Virtualization CCA-V Certifications
Certification Provider: Citrix
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1Y0-204 practice questions in our database: 181
Expected 1Y0-204 Exam Topics, as suggested by Citrix :

  • Module 1: Determine How To Optimize Server OS Published Applications For A Given Environment
  • Module 2: Install And Configure The Delivery Controller/ Identify Appropriate Printer Drivers Based On A Scenario
  • Module 3: Determine How To Analyze Published Apps In A Given Environment/ Identify The Printing Requirements For A Given Environment
  • Module 4: How To Deploy Workspace Apps In A Given Environment/ Present Applications To Users Based On A Scenario
  • Module 5: Determine Which Application Specific Properties To Use In Delivery Groups Based On A Scenario
  • Module 6: Determine How To Monitor User Sessions Based On Given Requirements/ Configure Citrix Policies Based On A Scenario
  • Module 7: Identify What Is Required For A Given Environment Prior To Deployment/ Determine How To Configure Application Groups
  • Module 8: Deploy Machines Using Machine Creation Services/ Configure Citrix Licensing For A Given Environment
  • Module 9: How To Secure Remote Access Using Citrix Gateway And The Secure Ticket Authority/ Configure A Site Based On A List Of Requirements
  • Module 10: Identify The Layers In The Layered Architecture Approach To Virtual Apps And Desktops/ Configure Citrix Profile Management
  • Module 11: Determine The Appropriate Policy Priority Based On A Scenario/ Manage Machine Catalogs And Delivery Groups
  • Module 12: Determine How To Configure Alerts And Notifications Based On A Scenario/ Appropriate Printer Mapping For A Given Environment
  • Module 13: Configure The Resource Location For A Given Environment/ Delegate Permissions To Other Administrators
  • Module 14: Determine The Proper Tool To Use To Troubleshoot A Given Issue/ How To Use Powershell To Query Information In The Site
  • Module 15: Identify Ways To Proactively Support Common Tasks In An Environment/ Determine How To Deploy Or Maintain Citrix Cloud Connector
  • Module 16: Implement Workspace Experience User Authentication Based On A Scenario/ Appropriate Hosting Platform Based On Requirements
  • Module 17: Determine The Appropriate Power Management Decisions For A Given Environment/ Migrate Policies And Catalogs In A Given Environment
  • Module 18: Determine How To Use Citrix ADM To Optimize Monitoring Through Citrix Director/ Monitor Within A Site To Find The Root Cause Of A Common Issue
  • Module 19: Determine The Behavior Of Different Types Of Machines Provisioned Using Machine Creation Services


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Q1. How can a Citrix Administrator configure a rewrite policy to change the version of HTTP from HTTP 1.1 to HTTP 1.0 in every request?

A.add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.req.version '\'HTTP/1.0\'' add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT

B. add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.res.version '\'HTTP/1.0\'' add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT

C. add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.res.version '\'HTTP/1.1\'' add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT

D. add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.req.version '\'HTTP/1.1\'' add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT

Correct Answer: A

Q2. What happens to the differencing disk of a Random/Non-Persistent desktop machine following a restart in a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site running on Citrix Hypervisor?

A.It will be updated from the base image.

B. It will be synchronized with the attached Personal vDisk.

C. It will be disconnected and recreated.

D. It will be merged with the base image.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. When deploying an on-premises resource location for a Citrix Cloud-managed Site, a Citrix Administrator should configure the Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) machines to communicate with a ___________ that is located in the ___________ location in order to become registered with the Site. (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)

A.Delivery Controller, Citrix Cloud

B. Cloud Connector, Citrix Cloud

C. Delivery Controller, on-premises

D. Cloud Connector, on-premises

Correct Answer: D

Q4. When hosting Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops on the Citrix Cloud platform, the ___________ Layer is always managed by Citrix. (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)


B. User

C. Access

D. Control

Correct Answer: D

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