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CFA Institute ESG-Investing Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certificate in ESG Investing
Exam Code: ESG-Investing
Related Certification(s): CFA Institute ESG Certification ESG Certification
Certification Provider: CFA Institute
Actual Exam Duration: 140 Minutes
Number of ESG-Investing practice questions in our database:
Expected ESG-Investing Exam Topics, as suggested by CFA Institute :

  • Module 1: Overview of ESG Investing and the ESG Market: This section tests ESG Investment Managers and delves into responsible investment strategies, examining how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) elements shape the investment ecosystem.
  • Module 2: Environmental Factors: This section examines environmental elements, covering systemic links, material impacts, and major trends for ESG Consultants. This section also reviews techniques for evaluating environmental impacts at the national, sectoral, and organizational levels.
  • Module 3: Social Factors: This section focuses on analyzing social factors, including their systemic effects and material impacts. This section also provides methodologies for assessing social risks and opportunities at country, sector, and organizational levels.
  • Module 4: Understanding Governance Factors: This section includes governance elements for ESG Investment Consultants, including core characteristics, governance models, and material impacts. It discusses how governance factors influence investment choices.
  • Module 5: Engagement and Stewardship: This section explores the foundations of investor engagement and stewardship, emphasizing their importance and practical application.
  • Module 6: ESG Analysis, Valuation, and Integration: Targetted for ESG Consultants, this domain covers methods for embedding ESG factors into the investment process, the obstacles that may arise, and the impact of ESG considerations on valuations across various asset classes.
  • Module 7: ESG Integrated Portfolio: This section discusses the application of ESG analysis across multiple asset classes, exploring strategies for incorporating ESG criteria into portfolio management.
  • Module 8: Investment Mandates and Portfolio Analytics: This domain explains to ESG Analysts the importance of constructing mandates to support effective ESG investment results. This section highlights key aspects, such as transparency and accountability, which are essential for asset owners and intermediaries to align portfolios with ESG priorities.


Exam Name: Certificate in ESG Investing
Exam Code: ESG-Investing
Related Certification(s): CFA Institute ESG Certification ESG Certification
Certification Provider: CFA Institute
Actual Exam Duration: 140 Minutes
Number of ESG-Investing practice questions in our database:
Expected ESG-Investing Exam Topics, as suggested by CFA Institute :

  • Module 1: Overview of ESG Investing and the ESG Market: This section tests ESG Investment Managers and delves into responsible investment strategies, examining how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) elements shape the investment ecosystem.
  • Module 2: Environmental Factors: This section examines environmental elements, covering systemic links, material impacts, and major trends for ESG Consultants. This section also reviews techniques for evaluating environmental impacts at the national, sectoral, and organizational levels.
  • Module 3: Social Factors: This section focuses on analyzing social factors, including their systemic effects and material impacts. This section also provides methodologies for assessing social risks and opportunities at country, sector, and organizational levels.
  • Module 4: Understanding Governance Factors: This section includes governance elements for ESG Investment Consultants, including core characteristics, governance models, and material impacts. It discusses how governance factors influence investment choices.
  • Module 5: Engagement and Stewardship: This section explores the foundations of investor engagement and stewardship, emphasizing their importance and practical application.
  • Module 6: ESG Analysis, Valuation, and Integration: Targetted for ESG Consultants, this domain covers methods for embedding ESG factors into the investment process, the obstacles that may arise, and the impact of ESG considerations on valuations across various asset classes.
  • Module 7: ESG Integrated Portfolio: This section discusses the application of ESG analysis across multiple asset classes, exploring strategies for incorporating ESG criteria into portfolio management.
  • Module 8: Investment Mandates and Portfolio Analytics: This domain explains to ESG Analysts the importance of constructing mandates to support effective ESG investment results. This section highlights key aspects, such as transparency and accountability, which are essential for asset owners and intermediaries to align portfolios with ESG priorities.


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Q1. The potential impacts of climate risk on asset allocation strategies are:

A.local but not systemic.

B. systemic but not local.

C. both local and systemic.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. A common characteristic of the EU Paris-Aligned Benchmarks and the EU Climate Transition Benchmarks is that they both:

A.permit only green investments.

B. permit fossil fuel investments as part of a transition process.

C. require a reduction in carbon emissions intensity in the starting year.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. The potential impacts of climate risk on asset allocation strategies are:

A.local but not systemic.

B. systemic but not local.

C. both local and systemic.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Are the following statements relating to investor engagement accurate? Statement 1: Investors need to frame the engagement topic into a broader discussion around strategy and long-term financial performance with the management team. Statement 2: Active investment houses are working to ensure that their portfolio managers can deliver stewardship alongside their regular monitoring of investee companies.

A.No, only Statement 1 is accurate

B. No, only Statement 2 is accurate

C. Yes, both statements are accurate

Correct Answer: C

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