Exam Name: Blue Prism Certified Associate Developer
Exam Code: ASDEV01
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism Associate Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of ASDEV01 practice questions in our database:
Expected ASDEV01 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :
- Module 1: Understand how to organize and label Objects/ Describe different spy modes for interacting with various applications
- Module 2: Understand appropriate usage of stage logging/ Identify test of actions and processes to reduce errors
- Module 3: Understand advanced work queue actions for process requirements/ Build basic Decisions, Calculations, Data Items and Collections
- Module 4: Understand exception handling types, retry loops, breakpoints and blocks/ Understand Application Modeller elements and labelling conventions
- Module 5: Demonstrate how to use process templates for consistent process structure/ Create standard action types following by best design standard
- Module 6: Identify best practice standards in credential manager/ Demonstrate debugging steps in different scenarios
- Module 7: Understand how to import and use pre-built skills/ Understand when to reuse existing objects, pages and sub-pages
- Module 8: Identify best practice standards for environment variables/ Outline the process to create a release file
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