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Blockchain CBDE Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: BTA Certified Blockchain Developer – Ethereum
Exam Code: CBDE
Related Certification(s): Blockchain Certified Blockchain Developer – Ethereum Certification
Certification Provider: Blockchain
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of CBDE practice questions in our database: 102 (updated: Jan. 31, 2025)
Expected CBDE Exam Topics, as suggested by Blockchain :

  • Module 1: Use the essential tooling and systems needed to work with the Ethereum ecosystem/ Understand and work with Ethereum fees
  • Module 2: Deploy smart contracts both the live and test Ethereum networks/ Unit test smart contracts
  • Module 3: Work within the bounds and limitations of the Ethereum blockchain/ Calculate Ethereum gas costs
  • Module 4: Plan and prepare production ready applications for the Ethereum blockchain/ Write and compile Solidity smart contracts
  • Module 5: Write, test, and deploy secure Solidity smart contracts/ Run an Ethereum node on development machines Implement web3.js/ Create secure smart contracts


Exam Name: BTA Certified Blockchain Developer – Ethereum
Exam Code: CBDE
Related Certification(s): Blockchain Certified Blockchain Developer – Ethereum Certification
Certification Provider: Blockchain
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of CBDE practice questions in our database: 102 (updated: Jan. 31, 2025)
Expected CBDE Exam Topics, as suggested by Blockchain :

  • Module 1: Use the essential tooling and systems needed to work with the Ethereum ecosystem/ Understand and work with Ethereum fees
  • Module 2: Deploy smart contracts both the live and test Ethereum networks/ Unit test smart contracts
  • Module 3: Work within the bounds and limitations of the Ethereum blockchain/ Calculate Ethereum gas costs
  • Module 4: Plan and prepare production ready applications for the Ethereum blockchain/ Write and compile Solidity smart contracts
  • Module 5: Write, test, and deploy secure Solidity smart contracts/ Run an Ethereum node on development machines Implement web3.js/ Create secure smart contracts


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Q1. If you are starting a new ERC20 token:

A.it would be best to start from scratch, just looking at the required interface.

B. it is beneficial to copy and paste the already existing code from the Ethereum wiki and modify this until you like it.

C. best is to start with an audited implementation, for example from OpenZeppelin, in order to reuse already existing code.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Why is Unit-Testing so important?

A.It helps you to find bugs, regression bugs and sometimes also helps you to understand your code from different angles.

B. It is a great way to spend time on something that you get paid for. But ultimately it will just slow down the development process.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. If you are starting a new ERC20 token:

A.it would be best to start from scratch, just looking at the required interface.

B. it is beneficial to copy and paste the already existing code from the Ethereum wiki and modify this until you like it.

C. best is to start with an audited implementation, for example from OpenZeppelin, in order to reuse already existing code.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What is the difference between ERC20 and ERC721 Tokens in simple terms?

A.The tokens of a certain ERC20 symbol are all the same, the tokens of an ERC721 symbol are all different. So, ERC20 tokens are fungible, while ERC721 tokens are non-fungible.

B. The tokens of a certain ERC20 symbol are all different, the tokens of an ERC721 symbol are all the same. So, ERC20 tokens are non-fungible while ERC721 tokens are fungible.

Correct Answer: A

Q5. To generate a random number:

A.it's good to use the block timestamp, as this is always different.

B. it's good to use the block hash as this is clearly always very different.

C. it's good to use the RANDAO smart contract.

D. it's not possible to have a random number in a deterministic environment such as the Ethereum blockchain.

Correct Answer: C

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