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Atlassian ACP-100 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Jira Administrator
Exam Code: ACP-100
Related Certification(s): Atlassian Jira Project Administrator Certification
Certification Provider: Atlassian
Number of ACP-100 practice questions in our database:
Expected ACP-100 Exam Topics, as suggested by Atlassian :

  • Module 1: Describe the appropriate use of general project settings/ Describe the appropriate use of components and versions
  • Module 2: Demonstrate how to appropriately configure issue collectors/ Describe the pre-requisites for and the results of a CSV import
  • Module 3: Determine if and how issue-level security should be configured in a project/ Evaluate the appropriate method of authentication and sign-up
  • Module 4: Determine the impact of deleting/deactivating a user/group/ Determine the appropriate use of application access, groups, roles and permissions
  • Module 5: Demonstrate how to appropriately use the features of theuniversal plug-in manager/ Given a business requirement, create, translate, critique, and optimize JQL queries
  • Module 6: Describe which attributes will and will not be imported/exported/ Demonstrate the benefits and best practices for configuring group subscriptions
  • Module 7: Recommend the appropriate configuration of user and project permissions/ Determine which global settings to modify to meet provided business requirements
  • Module 8: Determine which project activities should be delegated to the project administrators/ Identify and troubleshoot user settings, user profiles and permissions
  • Module 9: Assess whether or not Jira is appropriately secured/ Determine the appropriate password policy to be applied
  • Module 10: Modify Jira configuration settings to match the organization’s requirements/ Determine appropriate methods for communicating information to users


Exam Name: Jira Administrator
Exam Code: ACP-100
Related Certification(s): Atlassian Jira Project Administrator Certification
Certification Provider: Atlassian
Number of ACP-100 practice questions in our database:
Expected ACP-100 Exam Topics, as suggested by Atlassian :

  • Module 1: Describe the appropriate use of general project settings/ Describe the appropriate use of components and versions
  • Module 2: Demonstrate how to appropriately configure issue collectors/ Describe the pre-requisites for and the results of a CSV import
  • Module 3: Determine if and how issue-level security should be configured in a project/ Evaluate the appropriate method of authentication and sign-up
  • Module 4: Determine the impact of deleting/deactivating a user/group/ Determine the appropriate use of application access, groups, roles and permissions
  • Module 5: Demonstrate how to appropriately use the features of theuniversal plug-in manager/ Given a business requirement, create, translate, critique, and optimize JQL queries
  • Module 6: Describe which attributes will and will not be imported/exported/ Demonstrate the benefits and best practices for configuring group subscriptions
  • Module 7: Recommend the appropriate configuration of user and project permissions/ Determine which global settings to modify to meet provided business requirements
  • Module 8: Determine which project activities should be delegated to the project administrators/ Identify and troubleshoot user settings, user profiles and permissions
  • Module 9: Assess whether or not Jira is appropriately secured/ Determine the appropriate password policy to be applied
  • Module 10: Modify Jira configuration settings to match the organization’s requirements/ Determine appropriate methods for communicating information to users


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Q1. Your marketing group is using Jira to track media print advertisements. They would like to track TV and radio commercials as well. The same team handles all three formats, but each format requires a unique workflow. The team would like to keep everything on the same dashboard, and they will also be using the same permissions, notifications and screens. Without using third-party apps, how should you configure Jira to meet these requirements?

A.Clone the existing project and key for TV and Radio.

B. Copy the existing permissions and notification schemes, and associate them with new projects for TV and Radio.

C. Create a sub-component hierarchy.

D. Create two new projects for TV and Radio.

E. Add TV and Radio into the existing project as components.

F. Use issue types of Print, Radio and TV in the existing project.

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Your business users want to know more about what is happening with the issues raised by their business unit. They gave you a list of situations in which they want to get emails, so you know which parts of the shared notification scheme they want to be added to. You consult with the project owner. He doesn't want any changes to the emails that go to developers and testers. The project owner approves of the business users getting the emails, but he would like to retain control of who gets emails for his project. How can you satisfy these requests?

A.Place the business users in a group and add that group to the events in the notification scheme.

B. Modify the events in the workflow so they send the emails to the business users.

C. Create a role for business users and add that role to the events in the notification scheme.

D. Add the business users as Watchers on the issues.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Your marketing group is using Jira to track media print advertisements. They would like to track TV and radio commercials as well. The same team handles all three formats, but each format requires a unique workflow. The team would like to keep everything on the same dashboard, and they will also be using the same permissions, notifications and screens. Without using third-party apps, how should you configure Jira to meet these requirements?

A.Clone the existing project and key for TV and Radio.

B. Copy the existing permissions and notification schemes, and associate them with new projects for TV and Radio.

C. Create a sub-component hierarchy.

D. Create two new projects for TV and Radio.

E. Add TV and Radio into the existing project as components.

F. Use issue types of Print, Radio and TV in the existing project.

Correct Answer: D

Q4. Your business users want to know more about what is happening with the issues raised by their business unit. They gave you a list of situations in which they want to get emails, so you know which parts of the shared notification scheme they want to be added to. You consult with the project owner. He doesn't want any changes to the emails that go to developers and testers. The project owner approves of the business users getting the emails, but he would like to retain control of who gets emails for his project. How can you satisfy these requests?

A.Place the business users in a group and add that group to the events in the notification scheme.

B. Modify the events in the workflow so they send the emails to the business users.

C. Create a role for business users and add that role to the events in the notification scheme.

D. Add the business users as Watchers on the issues.

Correct Answer: A

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