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American Planning Association AICP Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: American Institute of Certified Planners
Exam Code: AICP
Related Certification(s): American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners Certification
Certification Provider: American Planning Association
Number of AICP practice questions in our database: 
Expected AICP Exam Topics, as suggested by American Planning Association :

  • Module 1: Comprehensive and sectoral planning/ History of planning, planning movements, and influences on planning
  • Module 2: Technology and related applications/ Theories of and about planning
  • Module 3: Internal organizational management/ Project or program management
  • Module 4: Foundational legal principles and decisions/ Environmental and natural resources planning
  • Module 5: Historic and cultural resources planning/ General terminology, practices, and principles of related professions
  • Module 6: Monitoring and assessment/ Core values of planning/ Conducting research and acquiring knowledge
  • Module 7: Patterns of human settlement/ Statutory basis of planning/ Formulating plans and policies
  • Module 8: Institutional planning and siting/ Rural and small town planning
  • Module 9: Managing external relationships/ Plan Making and Implementation/ qualitative and quantitative research
  • Module 10: Planning for diverse or under served communities/ influencing decision making in the public interest


Exam Name: American Institute of Certified Planners
Exam Code: AICP
Related Certification(s): American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners Certification
Certification Provider: American Planning Association
Number of AICP practice questions in our database: 
Expected AICP Exam Topics, as suggested by American Planning Association :

  • Module 1: Comprehensive and sectoral planning/ History of planning, planning movements, and influences on planning
  • Module 2: Technology and related applications/ Theories of and about planning
  • Module 3: Internal organizational management/ Project or program management
  • Module 4: Foundational legal principles and decisions/ Environmental and natural resources planning
  • Module 5: Historic and cultural resources planning/ General terminology, practices, and principles of related professions
  • Module 6: Monitoring and assessment/ Core values of planning/ Conducting research and acquiring knowledge
  • Module 7: Patterns of human settlement/ Statutory basis of planning/ Formulating plans and policies
  • Module 8: Institutional planning and siting/ Rural and small town planning
  • Module 9: Managing external relationships/ Plan Making and Implementation/ qualitative and quantitative research
  • Module 10: Planning for diverse or under served communities/ influencing decision making in the public interest


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Q1. Scenario The local YMCA is proposing to build a swimming pool next to their existing facility in your medium-sized town. You are a planner and must review the development proposal. The wife of one of the senior planners is the YMCA director. The husband of the planning director is the Chair of the Board of Directors for the YMCA. Everybody on the YMCA board is a family friend to both the senior planner and the planning director. What might you do?

A.You have a job to do, and you are not tainted with the conflict of interest. It is important to be as open and transparent in review of the proposal as you would be with any other proposal. You are fortunate in that, according to the scenario, you have not been asked to favor the proposal. Proceed with your analysis and make a recommendation on the proposal as usual. You might disclose the potential conflicts that do exist in your report. You might have your work reviewed by an outside consultant rather than by the planning director. You might ask that all those personally involved in the situation recuse themselves from making the final decision about the proposal. Your only conflict might be in displeasing your boss. If you are going to shade the results in order to please your boss, then you have a problem.

B. You have a job to do, and you are not tainted with the conflict of interest. It is important to be as open and transparent in review of the proposal as you would be with any other proposal. You are fortunate in that, according to the scenario, you have not been asked to favor the proposal. Proceed with your analysis and make a recommendation on the proposal as usual. You might disclose the potential conflicts that do exist in your report. You might have your work reviewed by an outside consultant rather than by the planning director.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. You are the planning director in a small town. Your husband runs the local country club and is applying for construction of a new swimming pool. This application will be reviewed by the planning commission for approval. This situation clearly:

A.Constitutes a conflict of interest according to the AICP Code of Ethics.

B. Happens every time an application for a swimming pool comes before the planning commission.

C. May lead to your loss of employment.

D. Does not lead to any ethical conflicts.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Scenario The local YMCA is proposing to build a swimming pool next to their existing facility in your medium-sized town. You are a planner and must review the development proposal. The wife of one of the senior planners is the YMCA director. The husband of the planning director is the Chair of the Board of Directors for the YMCA. Everybody on the YMCA board is a family friend to both the senior planner and the planning director. What might you do?

A.You have a job to do, and you are not tainted with the conflict of interest. It is important to be as open and transparent in review of the proposal as you would be with any other proposal. You are fortunate in that, according to the scenario, you have not been asked to favor the proposal. Proceed with your analysis and make a recommendation on the proposal as usual. You might disclose the potential conflicts that do exist in your report. You might have your work reviewed by an outside consultant rather than by the planning director. You might ask that all those personally involved in the situation recuse themselves from making the final decision about the proposal. Your only conflict might be in displeasing your boss. If you are going to shade the results in order to please your boss, then you have a problem.

B. You have a job to do, and you are not tainted with the conflict of interest. It is important to be as open and transparent in review of the proposal as you would be with any other proposal. You are fortunate in that, according to the scenario, you have not been asked to favor the proposal. Proceed with your analysis and make a recommendation on the proposal as usual. You might disclose the potential conflicts that do exist in your report. You might have your work reviewed by an outside consultant rather than by the planning director.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which Act created the HOME program?

A.Stewart McKinney Act (1987)

B. Low Income Housing Tax Credit (1986)

C. Fair Housing Amendments (1988)

D. Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (1990)

Correct Answer: D

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