Exam Name: American Institute of Certified Planners
Exam Code: AICP
Related Certification(s): American Planning Association American Institute of Certified Planners Certification
Certification Provider: American Planning Association
Number of AICP practice questions in our database:
Expected AICP Exam Topics, as suggested by American Planning Association :
- Module 1: Comprehensive and sectoral planning/ History of planning, planning movements, and influences on planning
- Module 2: Technology and related applications/ Theories of and about planning
- Module 3: Internal organizational management/ Project or program management
- Module 4: Foundational legal principles and decisions/ Environmental and natural resources planning
- Module 5: Historic and cultural resources planning/ General terminology, practices, and principles of related professions
- Module 6: Monitoring and assessment/ Core values of planning/ Conducting research and acquiring knowledge
- Module 7: Patterns of human settlement/ Statutory basis of planning/ Formulating plans and policies
- Module 8: Institutional planning and siting/ Rural and small town planning
- Module 9: Managing external relationships/ Plan Making and Implementation/ qualitative and quantitative research
- Module 10: Planning for diverse or under served communities/ influencing decision making in the public interest
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