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Alibaba ACA-Sec1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ACA Cloud Security Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACA-Sec1
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Number of ACA-Sec1 practice questions in our database:
Expected ACA-Sec1 Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Able to discover and resolve common issues emerged during the use of Alibaba Cloud Security related products
  • Module 2: Understanding of the concepts of Alibaba Cloud Security related products
  • Module 3: Familiar with common network protocols such as HTTP, FTP, TCP, UDP and ICMP
  • Module 4: Familiar with operations of Alibaba Cloud Security related products
  • Module 5: Knowledge of network security, such as firewall policy, key encryption, access control, network security, and network attack and protection methodologies
  • Module 6: Activating, creating, configuring, starting and stopping and disabling a service
  • Module 7: Familiar with the concepts and related knowledge of Cloud Computing
  • Module 8: Aware of main application scenarios of Alibaba Cloud Security related products and know each of these products’ special usage scenario
  • Module 9: Virtualization, storage and networking/ Familiar with operation on Linux and Windows operating system and be able to configure network and storage related system commands
  • Module 10: Familiar with features of Alibaba Cloud Security related products and key product implementation principles


Exam Name: ACA Cloud Security Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACA-Sec1
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Number of ACA-Sec1 practice questions in our database:
Expected ACA-Sec1 Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Able to discover and resolve common issues emerged during the use of Alibaba Cloud Security related products
  • Module 2: Understanding of the concepts of Alibaba Cloud Security related products
  • Module 3: Familiar with common network protocols such as HTTP, FTP, TCP, UDP and ICMP
  • Module 4: Familiar with operations of Alibaba Cloud Security related products
  • Module 5: Knowledge of network security, such as firewall policy, key encryption, access control, network security, and network attack and protection methodologies
  • Module 6: Activating, creating, configuring, starting and stopping and disabling a service
  • Module 7: Familiar with the concepts and related knowledge of Cloud Computing
  • Module 8: Aware of main application scenarios of Alibaba Cloud Security related products and know each of these products’ special usage scenario
  • Module 9: Virtualization, storage and networking/ Familiar with operation on Linux and Windows operating system and be able to configure network and storage related system commands
  • Module 10: Familiar with features of Alibaba Cloud Security related products and key product implementation principles


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Q1. Which of the following statements about cloud security shared responsibilities model are true? (the number of correct answers: 2)

A.for users who is using IAAS service, they should be responsible for their business system which is on top of cloud infrastructure

B. cloud service provider should guarantee the security of all physical infrastructure

C. the damage caused by attacks leveraging security vulnerability in customers' application server should be charged to cloud service provider

D. cloud user should also take care of some of the hardware maintenance and operation work

Correct Answer: C, D

Q2. Which of the following DDoS descriptions are correct?

A.In order to get admin password

B. Steal confidential information

C. Causes the target server unable to process legitimate requests

D. If the target server has no vulnerabilities, the remote attack may still succeed.

Correct Answer: C, D

Q3. Which of the following statements about cloud security shared responsibilities model are true? (the number of correct answers: 2)

A.for users who is using IAAS service, they should be responsible for their business system which is on top of cloud infrastructure

B. cloud service provider should guarantee the security of all physical infrastructure

C. the damage caused by attacks leveraging security vulnerability in customers' application server should be charged to cloud service provider

D. cloud user should also take care of some of the hardware maintenance and operation work

Correct Answer: C, D

Q4. In order to stop the service provided through a particular port in Windows OS, which of the following methods can be used to achieve this objective? (the number of correct answers: 3)

A.adjust firewall rule

B. adjust local security policy

C. update OS patch

D. stop the service itself

E. stop all guest role access

Correct Answer: A, B, D

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