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Alibaba Cloud ACA-CloudNative Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ACA Cloud Native Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACA-CloudNative
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Number of ACA-CloudNative practice questions in our database: 155 (updated: Jan. 28, 2025)

Expected ACA-CloudNative Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Promoting best the solution to end users and customers/ Understand the concept of Infrastructure as code
  • Module 2: Able to discover and resolve common infrastructure issues by using Log Service/ Knowledge required for ACA Cloud Native Certification
  • Module 3: Account authentication and authorization, network attack prevention/ Introduction to ACA Cloud Native Certification
  • Module 4: Deploying Alibaba Cloud Container Service on Kubernetes clusters and deploying applications using DevOps best practices
  • Module 5: Knowing the key features of each of the following products/ Basic knowledge of application and data security related technologies
  • Module 6: Concepts and related knowledge of Cloud Computing/ Operations and usage of Alibaba Cloud Container Service on Kubernetes
  • Module 7: Software development lifecycle and understands the concept of DevOps/ Application containerization technology like Docker
  • Module 8: Effective technology solutions and enterprise best practices based on Alibaba Cloud’s provided Cloud Native reference cases
  • Module 9: Typical web application architecture/ Auto-scaling features and adequate security protection


Exam Name: ACA Cloud Native Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACA-CloudNative
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate ACA Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Number of ACA-CloudNative practice questions in our database: 155 (updated: Jan. 28, 2025)

Expected ACA-CloudNative Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Promoting best the solution to end users and customers/ Understand the concept of Infrastructure as code
  • Module 2: Able to discover and resolve common infrastructure issues by using Log Service/ Knowledge required for ACA Cloud Native Certification
  • Module 3: Account authentication and authorization, network attack prevention/ Introduction to ACA Cloud Native Certification
  • Module 4: Deploying Alibaba Cloud Container Service on Kubernetes clusters and deploying applications using DevOps best practices
  • Module 5: Knowing the key features of each of the following products/ Basic knowledge of application and data security related technologies
  • Module 6: Concepts and related knowledge of Cloud Computing/ Operations and usage of Alibaba Cloud Container Service on Kubernetes
  • Module 7: Software development lifecycle and understands the concept of DevOps/ Application containerization technology like Docker
  • Module 8: Effective technology solutions and enterprise best practices based on Alibaba Cloud’s provided Cloud Native reference cases
  • Module 9: Typical web application architecture/ Auto-scaling features and adequate security protection


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Q1. What kind of data we could collect to Alibaba Cloud ElasticSearch for monitoring App on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes?


B. Metrics

C. APM tracing

D. All above

Correct Answer: D

Q2. At what levels can Kubernetes deployments be monitored? (The number of correct answer: 4)


B. Kubernetes Clusters

C. Containers

D. Services

E. Hardware

Correct Answer: A, B, C, D

Q3. What kind of data we could collect to Alibaba Cloud ElasticSearch for monitoring App on Alibaba Cloud Kubernetes?


B. Metrics

C. APM tracing

D. All above

Correct Answer: D

Q4. Does ACK support vGPU?


B. False

Correct Answer: A

Q5. At what levels can Kubernetes deployments be monitored? (The number of correct answer: 4)


B. Kubernetes Clusters

C. Containers

D. Services

E. Hardware

$ 39

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