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Adobe AD0-E908 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Workfront Core Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E908
Related Certification(s): Adobe Workfront Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 140 Minutes
Number of AD0-E908 practice questions in our database: 70 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)

Expected AD0-E908 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Strategy and Intake: For project managers and workflow coordinators, this section covers the use of portfolios and programs to manage projects, handling request queues for project intake, utilizing custom forms for data collection, and implementing basic approvals for workflow management.
  • Module 2: Budget and Planning: For financial planners and project coordinators, this section focuses on using the resource planner to allocate resources effectively and configuring project templates based on given scenarios and requirements to ensure accurate planning and budgeting.
  • Module 3: User Experience: For user experience designers and system administrators, this section illustrates best practices for user management to create optimal user experiences, applies correct setups for sharing and access rights, explains the concept and usage of Kickstart, demonstrates timesheet creation and usage, and describes the value of connectors, plug-ins, and add-ons.
  • Module 4: Metrics and Reporting: For data analysts and reporting specialists, this section describes basic concepts for building, sending, and customizing reports, explains how to build and customize dashboards, and demonstrates how to configure functional views of reports for effective data analysis.
  • Module 5: Execution: For project execution managers and operational staff, this section demonstrates how to set up approval and proofing workflows, explains the purpose of creating issues for projects, shows how to customize group-level project statuses, identifies attributes needed to enable Agile methodologies, details ways to enter time in Workfront, and outlines elements of financial tracking within Workfront.


Exam Name: Adobe Workfront Core Developer Professional
Exam Code: AD0-E908
Related Certification(s): Adobe Workfront Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 140 Minutes
Number of AD0-E908 practice questions in our database: 70 (updated: Jan. 04, 2025)

Expected AD0-E908 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Strategy and Intake: For project managers and workflow coordinators, this section covers the use of portfolios and programs to manage projects, handling request queues for project intake, utilizing custom forms for data collection, and implementing basic approvals for workflow management.
  • Module 2: Budget and Planning: For financial planners and project coordinators, this section focuses on using the resource planner to allocate resources effectively and configuring project templates based on given scenarios and requirements to ensure accurate planning and budgeting.
  • Module 3: User Experience: For user experience designers and system administrators, this section illustrates best practices for user management to create optimal user experiences, applies correct setups for sharing and access rights, explains the concept and usage of Kickstart, demonstrates timesheet creation and usage, and describes the value of connectors, plug-ins, and add-ons.
  • Module 4: Metrics and Reporting: For data analysts and reporting specialists, this section describes basic concepts for building, sending, and customizing reports, explains how to build and customize dashboards, and demonstrates how to configure functional views of reports for effective data analysis.
  • Module 5: Execution: For project execution managers and operational staff, this section demonstrates how to set up approval and proofing workflows, explains the purpose of creating issues for projects, shows how to customize group-level project statuses, identifies attributes needed to enable Agile methodologies, details ways to enter time in Workfront, and outlines elements of financial tracking within Workfront.


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Q1. What is one of the primary benefits to setting up an automated proofing workflow instead of a basic workflow?

A.Read-only and Reviewer roles are automatically granted View access on the document if they had none previously

B. A series of review stages can be created with dependencies between stages

C. All required reviewers can access the proof immediately upon creation.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A client's organizational structure has employees moving on and off projects and switching their Workfront responsibilities often. Why would the system administrator recommend sharing objects with Groups rather than individual users?

A.Group access overrides an individual's access when assigned to an object

B. Objects cannot be shared with individual users if they are already shared with groups.

C. Group sharing permissions update automatically as users are added or removed.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. A System Administrator would like to export all of the calculated custom fields and the associated custom expressions from their Workfront instance to an excel file so that they can create a data dictionary for better governance of their custom data. How would a System Administrator achieve this?

A.Use Kick Starts to export Custom Data to Excel

B. Create a Parameter report filtered to Parameter Type = Calculated and export to Excel

C. Go to the Custom Forms area of Workfront in the setup panel and export all fields to Excel

Correct Answer: B

Q4. A project manager is reviewing an issue with a document attached The manager notices that the issue is connected to the wrong project What will happen to the document when the issue is moved to the correct project?

A.The document is copied to the new issue, leaving the original on the project.

B. The document and any approvals associated with the document will move along with the new issue.

C. The document will not move to the new issue.

Correct Answer: B

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