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Adobe AD0-E722 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Architect Master Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E722
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E722 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 05, 2025)
Expected AD0-E722 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Oversee and improve deployment process/ Integrate Adobe Commerce with external systems and services
  • Module 2: Optimize performance and scalability for Adobe Commerce/ Design logical and technical flows
  • Module 3: Design and implement optimal solutions for Adobe Commerce to meet business needs/ Configure all aspects of Adobe Commerce Cloud
  • Module 4: Utilize Commerce test frameworks throughout the whole workflow/ Customize Commerce features
  • Module 5: Enforce coding standards/ Troubleshoot infrastructure and configuration issues
  • Module 6: Configure Adobe Commerce and make sure the project is set up optimally/ Review and refactor existing Adobe Commerce customizations
  • Module 7: Troubleshoot to identify the root cause of issues with Adobe Commerce/ Troubleshoot design flows/ Configure and Deploy


Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Architect Master Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E722
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E722 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 05, 2025)
Expected AD0-E722 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Oversee and improve deployment process/ Integrate Adobe Commerce with external systems and services
  • Module 2: Optimize performance and scalability for Adobe Commerce/ Design logical and technical flows
  • Module 3: Design and implement optimal solutions for Adobe Commerce to meet business needs/ Configure all aspects of Adobe Commerce Cloud
  • Module 4: Utilize Commerce test frameworks throughout the whole workflow/ Customize Commerce features
  • Module 5: Enforce coding standards/ Troubleshoot infrastructure and configuration issues
  • Module 6: Configure Adobe Commerce and make sure the project is set up optimally/ Review and refactor existing Adobe Commerce customizations
  • Module 7: Troubleshoot to identify the root cause of issues with Adobe Commerce/ Troubleshoot design flows/ Configure and Deploy


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Q1. An Architect needs to review a custom product feed export module that a developer created for a merchant. During final testing before the solution is deployed, the product feed output is verified as correct. All unit and integration tests for code pass. However, once the solution is deployed to production, the product price values in the feed are incorrect for several products. The products with incorrect data are all currently part of a content staging campaign where their prices have been reduced. What did the developer do incorrectly that caused the feed output to be incorrect for products in the content staging campaign?

A.The developer retrieved product data directly from the database using the entity_id column rather than a collection or repository.

B. The developer forgot to use the get Content Staging Value method to retrieve the active campaign value of the product data.

C. The developer did not check for an active content staging campaign and emulates the campaign state when retrieving product data.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to ensure zero downtime during the deployment process of Adobe Commerce on-premises. Which two steps should the Architect follow? (Choose two.)

A.Enable Config flag Under deployement/blue_green/enabled

B. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade --dry-run=true to upgrade database

C. Run bin/magento setup:upgrade - -keep-generated to Upgrade database

D. Run bin/magento setup:upgrad --convert-old-scripts-true to Upgrade database

E. Enable Config flag Under developer/zero_down_time/enabled

Correct Answer: A, C

Q3. A merchant is using a unified website that supports native Adobe Commerce B2B and B2C with a single store view. The merchant's objective is to display the B2B account features, such as negotiable quotes and credit limits, in the header of the site on every page for logged-in users who belong to a B2B company account. Each B2B company possesses its unique shared catalog and customer group, while numerous customer groups for non-B2B customers undergo changes. The merchant insists that this association should not be linked to customer groups. Which two solutions should the Architect recommend for consideration, taking into account public data and caching? (Choose two.)

A.Create a Virtual Type that switches the theme when a user is part of a B2B company so the output can be modified accordingly in the alternate theme.

B. Create a new HTTP Context variable to allow for separate public content to be cached for users in B2B companies where the output can be modified accordingly.

C. Set whether the current user is part of a B2B company in the customer session and use that data directly to modify the output accordingly.

D. Create a new custom condition for customer segments that allow for choosing whether a user is part of a B2B company and then use this segment to modify the output accordingly.

E. Check if the current user is part of a B2B company within a block class and modify the output accordingly.

Correct Answer: B, D

Q4. An Adobe Commerce Architect is working on a scanner that will pull prices from multiple external product feeds. The Architect has a list of vendors and decides to create new config file marketplace.feeds.xml. Which three steps can the Architect take to ensure validation of the configuration files with unique validation rules for the individual and merged files? (Choose three.)

A.Implement validation rules in the Converter class for the Config Reader

B. Create validation rules in marketplace.schema.xsd.

C. Provide schema to validate a merged file.

D. Add the Uniform Resource Name to the XSD file in the config XML file.

E. Provide schema to validate an individual file.

F. Create a class that implements \Magento\Framework\Config\Datainterface.

Correct Answer: B, C, E

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