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Adobe AD0-E720 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Front-End Developer Expert Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E720
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Number of AD0-E720 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 17, 2025)
Expected AD0-E720 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Understand the difference between extending/merging and overriding XML/ Demonstrate how to Module pass and utilize arguments to templates
  • Module 2: Demonstrate the usage of basic bin/Magento commands/ Differentiate the appropriate use case for deploy modes
  • Module 3: Describe Adobe Commerce theme folder structure and how it relates to folder based themes/ Demonstrate ability to extend existing themes
  • Module4: Demonstrate the ability to style emails/ Demonstrate the ability to implement and customize LESS library components
  • Module 5: Demonstrate the ability to implement different types of mixins/ Demonstrate the ability to customize Page Builder content
  • Module 6: Demonstrate the ability to override or extend Magento LESS/ Demonstrate the ability to utilize Module7: Demonstrate the usage of JS components using Layout XML/ Demonstrate the ability to initialize and call JavaScript components
  • Module 8: Distinguish use cases for different JavaScript components/ Identify the differences between client-side vs server-side compilation and how it works


Exam Name: Adobe Commerce Front-End Developer Expert Exam
Exam Code: AD0-E720
Related Certification(s): Adobe Commerce Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Number of AD0-E720 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 17, 2025)
Expected AD0-E720 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Understand the difference between extending/merging and overriding XML/ Demonstrate how to Module pass and utilize arguments to templates
  • Module 2: Demonstrate the usage of basic bin/Magento commands/ Differentiate the appropriate use case for deploy modes
  • Module 3: Describe Adobe Commerce theme folder structure and how it relates to folder based themes/ Demonstrate ability to extend existing themes
  • Module4: Demonstrate the ability to style emails/ Demonstrate the ability to implement and customize LESS library components
  • Module 5: Demonstrate the ability to implement different types of mixins/ Demonstrate the ability to customize Page Builder content
  • Module 6: Demonstrate the ability to override or extend Magento LESS/ Demonstrate the ability to utilize Module7: Demonstrate the usage of JS components using Layout XML/ Demonstrate the ability to initialize and call JavaScript components
  • Module 8: Distinguish use cases for different JavaScript components/ Identify the differences between client-side vs server-side compilation and how it works


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Q1. Which two steps are required to delete a manually installed theme? (Choose two.)

A.Remove the theme using the theme:uninstall CLI command.

B. Remove the directory app/design/frontend/<VendorNAME/

C. Disable the theme from the backend admin configuration

D. Remove the theme record from the theme database table

Correct Answer: B, D

Q2. Which Ul component property is used for cross tracking property changes?


B. listens

C. links

Correct Answer: B

Q3. An Adobe Commerce developer created a module called Orange_Customer. In customer information. Where would the developer place this file?


B. app/code/Orange/Customer/frontend/templates/customer-info.phtml

C. app/code/OrangG/Custon>Gr/viGw/frontGnd/templates/customGr-info.phtml

Correct Answer: C

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