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Adobe AD0-E121 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Business Practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E121
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E121 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 08, 2025)
Expected AD0-E121 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Determine how questions from developers should be answered with respect to the business goals/ Apply procedural concepts necessary to conduct training for content editors
  • Module 2: Verify the correct implementation of features, and locate and describe occurring errors/ Recommend how to leverage AEM features to meet business needs
  • Module 3: Determine how to meet the core business goals while remaining within budget and/or scope/ Map standard modules of AEM to different business problems for the customer
  • Module 4: Determine how to configure and use content components to show best practices of AEM/ Describe how AEM integrates with third-party services
  • Module 5: Apply procedural concepts necessary to support collaboration of all parties involved/ List relevant AEM features and capabilities
  • Module 6: Apply content management concepts for AEM modules/ Determine how to define roles and permissions
  • Module 7: Setup and Implementation/ Identify typical project stakeholders/ Describe caching approaches


Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Sites Business Practitioner Expert
Exam Code: AD0-E121
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E121 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 08, 2025)
Expected AD0-E121 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Determine how questions from developers should be answered with respect to the business goals/ Apply procedural concepts necessary to conduct training for content editors
  • Module 2: Verify the correct implementation of features, and locate and describe occurring errors/ Recommend how to leverage AEM features to meet business needs
  • Module 3: Determine how to meet the core business goals while remaining within budget and/or scope/ Map standard modules of AEM to different business problems for the customer
  • Module 4: Determine how to configure and use content components to show best practices of AEM/ Describe how AEM integrates with third-party services
  • Module 5: Apply procedural concepts necessary to support collaboration of all parties involved/ List relevant AEM features and capabilities
  • Module 6: Apply content management concepts for AEM modules/ Determine how to define roles and permissions
  • Module 7: Setup and Implementation/ Identify typical project stakeholders/ Describe caching approaches


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Q1. A content author receives a request to build a new page with content that includes images and layout that exists on other pages. The page must be built using the existing content. What should the Business Practitioner recommend to meet this requirement?

A.Clone an experience fragment template

B. Leverage the content fragment reference component

C. Author the content directly on the page

D. Leverage the experience fragment reference component

Correct Answer: B

Q2. A customer wants to enable Two authors to finish each other's assignee workflow tastes when one author is absent or share an excessive load in the short term. What should a Business Practitioner recommend?

A.Add both authors to dam-users group

B. Add both authors as impersonators of each other

C. Add both authors to workflow-users group

D. Add both authors to a participant step

Correct Answer: A

Q3. You are running through an AEM Assets Discovery Checklist for your customer. Their main concerns are low downtime and minimum latency issues. What are two most important questions that you can ask the customer to best address their concerns? Choose two.

A.What is the typical network connectivity for users accessing AEM?

B. Do you have asset review/approval workflows?

C. What hours are considered 'off-peak' for your content authors?

D. Do you intend to use Creative Cloud integration?

E. What are the types of assets to be migrated?

Correct Answer: A, C

Q4. How should a Business Practitioner integrate Adobe Sensei with AEM for Smart tag feature?

A.Use Smart Content Service configuration

B. Use Custom configuration to set up the Integration

C. Use Adobe Sensei configuration

D. Use Adobe launch to integrate Adobe Sensei

Correct Answer: D

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