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Adobe AD0-E117 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master
Exam Code: AD0-E117
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E117 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)

Expected AD0-E117 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, assess the current state of an architecture/ Determine non-functional technical requirements for solution design
  • Module 2: Translate high-level business goals to functional requirements/ Apply procedural concepts for designing scalable and resilient architecture
  • Module 3: Apply procedural concepts to incorporate integration requirements into a solution design/ Determine which types of performance and testing requirements should be included in a solution
  • Module 4: Given business requirements, design detailed architecture and solution/ Given a scenario, determine appropriate security solutions for a design
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, recommend migration strategies/ Determine appropriate methods to use to prototype solutions for proof of concepts
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, identify and resolve design issues revealed during implementation stage/ Given a scenario, diagnose and resolve issues encountered during implementation
  • Module 7: Given a scenario, recommend implementation approaches based on requirements/ Apply procedural concepts to plan for use of new features and upgrades
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, optimize solution for non-functional requirements/ “Given a scenario, diagnose and resolve issues encountered in production environment”


Exam Name: Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master
Exam Code: AD0-E117
Related Certification(s): Adobe Experience Manager Certification
Certification Provider: Adobe
Actual Exam Duration: 100 Minutes
Number of AD0-E117 practice questions in our database: 50 (updated: Jan. 14, 2025)

Expected AD0-E117 Exam Topics, as suggested by Adobe :

  • Module 1: Given a scenario, assess the current state of an architecture/ Determine non-functional technical requirements for solution design
  • Module 2: Translate high-level business goals to functional requirements/ Apply procedural concepts for designing scalable and resilient architecture
  • Module 3: Apply procedural concepts to incorporate integration requirements into a solution design/ Determine which types of performance and testing requirements should be included in a solution
  • Module 4: Given business requirements, design detailed architecture and solution/ Given a scenario, determine appropriate security solutions for a design
  • Module 5: Given a scenario, recommend migration strategies/ Determine appropriate methods to use to prototype solutions for proof of concepts
  • Module 6: Given a scenario, identify and resolve design issues revealed during implementation stage/ Given a scenario, diagnose and resolve issues encountered during implementation
  • Module 7: Given a scenario, recommend implementation approaches based on requirements/ Apply procedural concepts to plan for use of new features and upgrades
  • Module 8: Given a scenario, optimize solution for non-functional requirements/ “Given a scenario, diagnose and resolve issues encountered in production environment”


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Q1. A client's site does not show the latest page content for some site visitors. The client has two data centers with each configured with a Dispatcher connected to two Publish machines. The site load issue only occurs intermittently for visitors from one of the data centers. Which step should the Architect take to resolve the issue?

A.Disable caching on all impacted data centers Dispatchers to force the Publish machines to serve the page content

B. Check the Publish instance(s) attached to the Dispatcher associated to the impacted data center

C. Check the SSL certificate on the impacted data center's load balance.

D. Review the log files on the Author instances to determine if there are any template errors

Correct Answer: C

Q2. During the implementation of a public-facing website based on AEM as a Cloud Service, the customer raises an additional requirement to have a commenting functionality for end users implemented on the pages. What should the Architect do to make the design a future proof solution?

A.Save comments in JCR and leverage Sling Distribution to synchronize comments between publishers

B. Integrate a third-party solution to store comments externally

C. Use MongoDB as provided with AEM as a Cloud Service to store the comments

D. Save comments in JCR and leverage reverse replication to synchronize comments via author

Correct Answer: C

Q3. A client is migrating the content from a legacy website to an existing AEM implementation. An Architect evaluates the content of the legacy site and determine-that there are approximately 20.000 pages with a common structure, and a few hundred pages that do not follow a pattern. The client wants to complete the migration as soon as possible. Which approach should the Architect recommend for the content migration?

A.Migrate all common pages using the ETL procedure with multiple rounds

B. Migrate all common pages using the ETL procedure and use manual authoring for the rest

C. Use Site importer to import the content into AEM

D. Recreate the entire content manually with a group of Content Authors

Correct Answer: D

Q4. An AEM Sites implementation is migrating from on-premise to AEM as a Cloud Service. Previously, the application was deployed in a single package for both code and access policy nodes. After initial deployment and testing in the new infrastructure, it is reported that user permissions are not working as expected. What change should the Architect make to address this issue?

A.Update package metadata to use MergePreserve for handling access policy nodes

B. Move access policy nodes to a dedicated package and install manually

C. Refactor access policy nodes to Apache Sling JCR Repoinit scripts in the same package

D. Document permissions and request the Customer Success Engineer to configure

Correct Answer: A

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