Exam Name: Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Global Examination
Exam Code: GLO_CWM_LVL_1
Related Certification(s): AAFM Chartered Wealth Manager Certification
Certification Provider: AAFM
Number of GLO_CWM_LVL_1 practice questions in our database:
Expected GLO_CWM_LVL_1 Exam Topics, as suggested by AAFM :
- Module 1: Intergenerational Wealth Transfer & Tax Planning/ Advanced Wealth Management
- Module 2: Wealth Management Planning/ Tax Laws For Wealth Management
- Module 3: International Tax and Trust Planning/ Concept of Wealth Management
- Module 4: Portfolio Management Strategies/ Investment Vehicles In Wealth Management
- Module 5: Loan & Debt Management/ Measuring Investment Risk And Returns
- Module 6: Relationship Management by a Wealth Manager/ Legalities in Wealth Management
- Module 7: Behavioral Finance In Wealth Management/ Concept Of Insurance And Risk Management
- Module 8: Real Estate Valuation and Analysis/ Role of Wealth Management in Banking
- Module 9: Alternative Products In Wealth Management/ Life Cycle Management/ Equity Analysis
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