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Exam Name: Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II Examination
Exam Code: CWM_LEVEL_2
Related Certification(s): AAFM Chartered Wealth Manager Certification
Certification Provider: AAFM
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of CWM_LEVEL_2 practice questions in our database: 
Expected CWM_LEVEL_2 Exam Topics, as suggested by AAFM :

  • Module 1: Maximize the impact of your client communications and reporting/ Monitor and control corporate exposure to financial and operational risks
  • Module 2: Use and develop spread-sheet based Financial Modelling solutions to financial problems/ Explore the latest advances in wealth management strategy and law
  • Module 3: Make investment policy recommendations, including the determination of an optimal asset allocation/ Expand your wealth management skills by adopting international best practices
  • Module 4: Analyse and evaluate the performance of an investment manager/ Forecast the impact of government economic policies on a business
  • Module 5: Characterize the implications of the market efficiency evidence on active portfolio management/ Integrate optimum products and services in your wealth management development strategies
  • Module 6: Interpret the effect of Global & Local Economic Environment on Financial Markets and Investments
  • Module 7: Diagnosis and planning in working with Super High Net Worth Clients/ Appreciate the complexities of investing in global markets and develop strategies


Exam Name: Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II Examination
Exam Code: CWM_LEVEL_2
Related Certification(s): AAFM Chartered Wealth Manager Certification
Certification Provider: AAFM
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of CWM_LEVEL_2 practice questions in our database: 
Expected CWM_LEVEL_2 Exam Topics, as suggested by AAFM :

  • Module 1: Maximize the impact of your client communications and reporting/ Monitor and control corporate exposure to financial and operational risks
  • Module 2: Use and develop spread-sheet based Financial Modelling solutions to financial problems/ Explore the latest advances in wealth management strategy and law
  • Module 3: Make investment policy recommendations, including the determination of an optimal asset allocation/ Expand your wealth management skills by adopting international best practices
  • Module 4: Analyse and evaluate the performance of an investment manager/ Forecast the impact of government economic policies on a business
  • Module 5: Characterize the implications of the market efficiency evidence on active portfolio management/ Integrate optimum products and services in your wealth management development strategies
  • Module 6: Interpret the effect of Global & Local Economic Environment on Financial Markets and Investments
  • Module 7: Diagnosis and planning in working with Super High Net Worth Clients/ Appreciate the complexities of investing in global markets and develop strategies


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Q1. Section C (4 Mark) Read the senario and answer to the question. Mr. Bhatia owns a Maruti Wagonr with a monthly EMI of Rs. 6,312. The above loan will be completely repaid by August 2008. Mr. Bhatia planning to purchase a new car worth of Rs. 15 lakh. For this he has to take a full value loan of the car with 9% interest for 5 years. But his present car is in good condition and life of this car is approximately another 5 years repairs and maintenance cost are minimum. If he postpones his car purchasing plan now and deposit the same EMI outflow required for new car into an SIP with a minimum 15% yield for the next five years, then calculate the fund he can accumulate?

A.Rs. 23.66 lacs

B. Rs. 27.58 lacs

C. Rs. 23.49 lacs

D. Rs. 30.47 lacs

Correct Answer: B

Q2. Section C (4 Mark) Read the senario and answer to the question. Assume the following additional facts: The Shankers have purchased a homeowner's policy (comprehensive) covering 100% of the replacement cost of their residence. This policy has a Rs. 500 deductible. Also, they have purchased a disability income policy with a 30-day elimination period and an any-occupation definition of disability. What actions should the Shankers consider in order to improve the quality of the insurance program described above?

A.(I) only

B. (I) and (IV) only

C. (I) and (III) only

D. (II) and (IV) only

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Section C (4 Mark) Read the senario and answer to the question. Mr. Bhatia owns a Maruti Wagonr with a monthly EMI of Rs. 6,312. The above loan will be completely repaid by August 2008. Mr. Bhatia planning to purchase a new car worth of Rs. 15 lakh. For this he has to take a full value loan of the car with 9% interest for 5 years. But his present car is in good condition and life of this car is approximately another 5 years repairs and maintenance cost are minimum. If he postpones his car purchasing plan now and deposit the same EMI outflow required for new car into an SIP with a minimum 15% yield for the next five years, then calculate the fund he can accumulate?

A.Rs. 23.66 lacs

B. Rs. 27.58 lacs

C. Rs. 23.49 lacs

D. Rs. 30.47 lacs

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Section C (4 Mark) Read the senario and answer to the question. Harish wants to know what amount is eligible for deductible u/s 24 of Income Tax for housing loan repayments in computation of his Income tax liability for AY 2010-11.

A.Rs. 1,43,080

B. Rs. 1,50,000

C. Rs. 1,44,270

D. Rs. 1,43,680

Correct Answer: D

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