Exam Name: Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II Examination
Exam Code: CWM_LEVEL_2
Related Certification(s): AAFM Chartered Wealth Manager Certification
Certification Provider: AAFM
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of CWM_LEVEL_2 practice questions in our database:
Expected CWM_LEVEL_2 Exam Topics, as suggested by AAFM :
- Module 1: Maximize the impact of your client communications and reporting/ Monitor and control corporate exposure to financial and operational risks
- Module 2: Use and develop spread-sheet based Financial Modelling solutions to financial problems/ Explore the latest advances in wealth management strategy and law
- Module 3: Make investment policy recommendations, including the determination of an optimal asset allocation/ Expand your wealth management skills by adopting international best practices
- Module 4: Analyse and evaluate the performance of an investment manager/ Forecast the impact of government economic policies on a business
- Module 5: Characterize the implications of the market efficiency evidence on active portfolio management/ Integrate optimum products and services in your wealth management development strategies
- Module 6: Interpret the effect of Global & Local Economic Environment on Financial Markets and Investments
- Module 7: Diagnosis and planning in working with Super High Net Worth Clients/ Appreciate the complexities of investing in global markets and develop strategies
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