Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – SAP Master Data Governance
Related Certification(s):
- SAP Certified Associate Certifications
- SAP Master Data Governance Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_MDG_1909 practice questions in our database:
Expected C_MDG_1909 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :
- Module 1: MDG Overview and Architecture: This section of the exam is about SAP Master Data Governance and technical elements. This section also covers the management process of the SAP Master Data Governance architecture.
- Module 2: Consolidation and Mass Processing: This section of the exam covers developing the SAP Master Data Governance consolidation, scoring and best records calculations, and analytics.
- Module 3: Domain-Specific Capabilities: This section of the exam covers using financial domain-specific capabilities to trigger and monitor the replication of financial master data.
- Module 4: MDG Change Request process implementation: The topic defines the Change Request process including workflow setup.
- Module 5: Data Quality & Analytics: It covers deploying data validation through configuration of search, activation of side panel, and analytics.
- Module 6: Data replication and key mapping: In this section of the exam, candidates learn how to configure, execute, and monitor data replication.
- Module 7: Custom Objects and Solution Extensions: In this section of the exam, SAP consultants learn about Data Models and using Solution Extensions by Utopia.
- Module 8: MDG Project Execution: This area of the exam explains how to activate SAP Master Data Governance and define customizing exchange for typical MDG landscapes.
- Module 9: Data Load and Import: In this section of the exam,you learn about defining data download, upload, and importing.
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