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SAP C_IBP_2311 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – SAP IBP for Supply Chain
Exam Code: C_IBP_2311
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP IBP for Supply Chain Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_IBP_2311 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_IBP_2311 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: User Interface: This section of the exam covers using the Fiori Launchpad to customize the UI, and work with Excel UI.
  • Module 2: General Configuration of a Planning Area: This section covers topics such as display, create, copy, edit, check, and how to activate a planning area.
  • Module 3: Key Figures & Attributes: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include creating and utilizing key figures and attributes to model the supply chain.
  • Module 4: Planning Operators & Application Jobs: In this section of the exam, topics covered include how to configure and utilize Planning Operators to automate procedures in the planning framework.
  • Module 5: Model Supply Processes: In this section, the topics covered include how to configure supply planning and how to run various solvers to generate planning results.
  • Module 6: Model Sales & Operations Processes: In this section of the exam, the topics include how IBP extends the logic of S&OP in the network using advanced demand and supply planning integrated with financial plans.
  • Module 7: Solution Architecture & Data Integration: In this section of the exam, topics are covered related to how to optimize the integration scenarios and architecture of your planning solution.
  • Module 8: Analytics and Reporting: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to how to define and view information with user-defined charts and dashboards.
  • Module 9: Demand Planning: In this section of the exam, the preference is given to creating and transforming forecasts in your planning model.
  • Module 10: Master Data: This particular section of the exam covers how to optimize inventory in the supply chain utilizing algorithms that derive inventory targets.


Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – SAP IBP for Supply Chain
Exam Code: C_IBP_2311
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP IBP for Supply Chain Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_IBP_2311 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_IBP_2311 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: User Interface: This section of the exam covers using the Fiori Launchpad to customize the UI, and work with Excel UI.
  • Module 2: General Configuration of a Planning Area: This section covers topics such as display, create, copy, edit, check, and how to activate a planning area.
  • Module 3: Key Figures & Attributes: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include creating and utilizing key figures and attributes to model the supply chain.
  • Module 4: Planning Operators & Application Jobs: In this section of the exam, topics covered include how to configure and utilize Planning Operators to automate procedures in the planning framework.
  • Module 5: Model Supply Processes: In this section, the topics covered include how to configure supply planning and how to run various solvers to generate planning results.
  • Module 6: Model Sales & Operations Processes: In this section of the exam, the topics include how IBP extends the logic of S&OP in the network using advanced demand and supply planning integrated with financial plans.
  • Module 7: Solution Architecture & Data Integration: In this section of the exam, topics are covered related to how to optimize the integration scenarios and architecture of your planning solution.
  • Module 8: Analytics and Reporting: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to how to define and view information with user-defined charts and dashboards.
  • Module 9: Demand Planning: In this section of the exam, the preference is given to creating and transforming forecasts in your planning model.
  • Module 10: Master Data: This particular section of the exam covers how to optimize inventory in the supply chain utilizing algorithms that derive inventory targets.


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Q1. What is a prerequisite for modelling outsourced manufacturers with production capacity using the Supply Optimizer?

A.Model relative production costs across internal locations and outsourced manufacturing locations

B. Use production lead times and offsets to manage components at the outsourced manufacturing location

C. Ensure that the outsourced manufacturing locations have a separate subnetwork

D. Model target inventory and stocks at the outsourced manufacturing location

Correct Answer: A

Q2. You want to maintain key figure values for a new attribute and value combination, using SAP IBP, add-infor Microsoft Excel, and you are receiving an error related to missing combinations. How can you resolve this problem? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question

A.Use the Data Integration app to upload the missing combinations

B. Use the Manage the master data app to create missing combinations

C. Use the function New Planning Object in Excel UI to create missing combination

D. Use the Copy Operator to create the missing combinations

Correct Answer: A, C

Q3. What is a prerequisite for modelling outsourced manufacturers with production capacity using the Supply Optimizer?

A.Model relative production costs across internal locations and outsourced manufacturing locations

B. Use production lead times and offsets to manage components at the outsourced manufacturing location

C. Ensure that the outsourced manufacturing locations have a separate subnetwork

D. Model target inventory and stocks at the outsourced manufacturing location

Correct Answer: A

Q4. What function would you use to configure a year-to-date calculation?

A.Rolling Aggregation

B. Last Period Aggregation

C. Cumulative Aggregation

D. Dynamic Rolling Aggregation

Correct Answer: C

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