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SAP C_HANADEV_18 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: SAP Certified Development Associate – SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06
Exam Code: C_HANADEV_18
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Development Associate Certifications
  • SAP Certified Development Associate – SAP HANA 2.0 SPS05 Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_HANADEV_18 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_HANADEV_18 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Describe basic concepts of authorizations in an XSA application/ Explain authorizations in the SAP HANA database
  • Module 2: Explain basic concepts of Odata in SAP HANA/ Explain the basic concepts and language features of SQLScript
  • Module 3: Create the Persistence Data Model/ Use the Git source control system. Use GIT commands for version control
  • Module 4: Explain/use SAP HANA calculation views, graphical calculation views/ Maintain application security in a multi-target application project
  • Module 5: Use the SQLScript wizard and editor/ Configure the Router to integrate the HTML5 module with back end
  • Module 6: Explain how to access the database? Explain the deployment proces/ Create an OData service
  • Module 7: OData key specification, OData association, OData navigation properties/ Explain basic SAPUI5 concepts and the structure of an SAPUI5 application


Exam Name: SAP Certified Development Associate – SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06
Exam Code: C_HANADEV_18
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Development Associate Certifications
  • SAP Certified Development Associate – SAP HANA 2.0 SPS05 Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_HANADEV_18 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_HANADEV_18 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Describe basic concepts of authorizations in an XSA application/ Explain authorizations in the SAP HANA database
  • Module 2: Explain basic concepts of Odata in SAP HANA/ Explain the basic concepts and language features of SQLScript
  • Module 3: Create the Persistence Data Model/ Use the Git source control system. Use GIT commands for version control
  • Module 4: Explain/use SAP HANA calculation views, graphical calculation views/ Maintain application security in a multi-target application project
  • Module 5: Use the SQLScript wizard and editor/ Configure the Router to integrate the HTML5 module with back end
  • Module 6: Explain how to access the database? Explain the deployment proces/ Create an OData service
  • Module 7: OData key specification, OData association, OData navigation properties/ Explain basic SAPUI5 concepts and the structure of an SAPUI5 application


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Q1. What statement must you insert to the following OData service to complete the navigation definition from the customer entity set to the corresponding sales orders? Please choose the correct answer. service{ "sample.odata::customer" as customer" navigates ("Customer_Orders* as "toOrders); "sample.odata::salesorder" as "Orders";)


B. Association

C. Key specification

D. Join condition

Correct Answer: B

Q2. You are asked to produce sales value for the month using sales order line items (sales price per item x quantity sold) what do you use to achieve this in a calculated column of a calculation view? There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.Keep flag

B. Dynamic join

C. Transparent filter

D. Non-equijoin

Correct Answer: C, D

Q3. How do you specify the target currency for currency conversion in calculation views? There are 3 correct answers to this question.

A.In a column

B. In a table function

C. With an input parameter

D. With a fixed value

E. In a procedure

Correct Answer: A, C, D

Q4. Which of the following are characteristics of database procedures?

A.Database procedures can have both input and output parameters; however, a parameter CANNOT be both input and output.

B. Database procedures can have several output parameters, and a mix of both scalar and table types is possible.

C. If, in the database procedure header, you use the READS SQL DATA option, then INSERT statements are prohibited; however, dynamic SQL is allowed.

D. If, in the database procedure header, you use the SQL SECURITY INVOKER option, then only the owner of the procedure can start it.

Correct Answer: A, B

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