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SAP C_HAMOD_2404 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – Data Engineer – SAP HANA
Exam Code: C_HAMOD_2404
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Data Engineer – SAP HANA Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_HAMOD_2404 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_HAMOD_2404 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Building calculation views: It explains the usage of all types of calculation views and nodes to build a data model.
  • Module 2: Configuring modeling functions: This topic covers the implementation of common calculation view modeling functions.
  • Module 3: Optimizing the performance of models: It focuses on building high performance models and using the available tools to monitor performance.
  • Module 4: Managing and administering models: The topic covers setup of modeling environment and the usage of tools for the management of data models.
  • Module 5: Provisioning Data to SAP HANA: It discusses how to provision data to SAP HANA.
  • Module 6: Working with SQL and SQL Script in models: This topic delves into applying SQL and SQLScript in SAP HANA modeling.
  • Module 7: Securing models: The topic discusses the implementation of security features for the prevention of unauthorised access to data models.


Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – Data Engineer – SAP HANA
Exam Code: C_HAMOD_2404
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Data Engineer – SAP HANA Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_HAMOD_2404 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_HAMOD_2404 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Building calculation views: It explains the usage of all types of calculation views and nodes to build a data model.
  • Module 2: Configuring modeling functions: This topic covers the implementation of common calculation view modeling functions.
  • Module 3: Optimizing the performance of models: It focuses on building high performance models and using the available tools to monitor performance.
  • Module 4: Managing and administering models: The topic covers setup of modeling environment and the usage of tools for the management of data models.
  • Module 5: Provisioning Data to SAP HANA: It discusses how to provision data to SAP HANA.
  • Module 6: Working with SQL and SQL Script in models: This topic delves into applying SQL and SQLScript in SAP HANA modeling.
  • Module 7: Securing models: The topic discusses the implementation of security features for the prevention of unauthorised access to data models.


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Q1. You deleted the design-time file of a calculation view in your HDB module.What is the recommended way to ensure that the corresponding runtime object is also removed from the database?

A.Build the project that contained the deleted design-time file.

B. Execute a DROP statement in an SQL console connected to the HDI container.

C. Build the folder that contained the deleted design-time file.

D. Execute the refactor function for the calculation view.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which project structure object corresponds to a unique HDI container?

A.A project

B. An src folder

C. A space

D. A database module

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You deleted the design-time file of a calculation view in your HDB module.What is the recommended way to ensure that the corresponding runtime object is also removed from the database?

A.Build the project that contained the deleted design-time file.

B. Execute a DROP statement in an SQL console connected to the HDI container.

C. Build the folder that contained the deleted design-time file.

D. Execute the refactor function for the calculation view.

Correct Answer: A

Q4. You create a table function to remove historic records, sum the current total weekly working hours for each employee, and update the personnel table with the results. The deployment of the table function fails. Which of the following could be a valid reason?

A.You did not define at least one input parameter.

B. You did not define a valid table type.

C. Your table function includes a DELETE statement.

D. Your table function refers to a scalar function.

Correct Answer: C

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