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SAP C_C4H46_2408 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – Developer – SAP Sales and Service Cloud
Exam Code: C_C4H46_2408
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Developer – SAP Sales and Service Cloud Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_C4H46_2408 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_C4H46_2408 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Standard and Custom Business Objects and Debugging: SAP development consultants get knowledge about creating custom business objects and debugging at runtime.
  • Module 2: Lifecycle Management and Data Protection and Privacy: In this topic of the C_C4H46_2408 exam, development consultants cover how to assemble and download a solution. Moreover, it focuses on creating a patch for the solution.
  • Module 3: UI Designer: The primary focus of this topic is equipping aspiring SAP development consultants with knowledge of creating new user interfaces and modifying provided screens.
  • Module 4: Managing Clean Core: Development consultants who attempt the SAP C_C4H46_2408 exam get knowledge about evaluating and applying and apply clean core principles to ERP. The topic also focuses on reduction of adaptation efforts and acceleration of innovation.
  • Module 5: Mashups and Translation: The topic describes mashups and use cases for mashups, and mashup types. It also explains how to create mashups to integrate data.
  • Module 6: Analytics, Approvals, and Notifications: After covering this topic, SAP development consultants develop skills to data sources and create reports. They also learn about creating an approval process and defining notification rules.
  • Module 7: Mass Data Run Object: This topic of the C_C4H46_2408 exam is all about equipping development consultants about the knowledge of creating mass data run object so they can execute an action for many instances of a custom business object.
  • Module 8: Service Integration: SAP development consultants cover sub-topic related to creating service integration.
  • Module 9: SAP Cloud Applications Studio Overview: To design develop and deploy a SAP Cloud for Customer add-on solution, this topic explains how to use the SAP Cloud Applications Studio.
  • Module 10: Extensibility: The topic focuses on the creation of extension fields to extend software with data. SAP development consultants also learn about user interfaces and business logic in this topic.
  • Module 11: Business Configuration: The C_C4H46_2408 exam tests the proficiency of development consultants in creating a business configuration object and business configuration set.


Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – Developer – SAP Sales and Service Cloud
Exam Code: C_C4H46_2408
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Developer – SAP Sales and Service Cloud Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_C4H46_2408 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_C4H46_2408 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Standard and Custom Business Objects and Debugging: SAP development consultants get knowledge about creating custom business objects and debugging at runtime.
  • Module 2: Lifecycle Management and Data Protection and Privacy: In this topic of the C_C4H46_2408 exam, development consultants cover how to assemble and download a solution. Moreover, it focuses on creating a patch for the solution.
  • Module 3: UI Designer: The primary focus of this topic is equipping aspiring SAP development consultants with knowledge of creating new user interfaces and modifying provided screens.
  • Module 4: Managing Clean Core: Development consultants who attempt the SAP C_C4H46_2408 exam get knowledge about evaluating and applying and apply clean core principles to ERP. The topic also focuses on reduction of adaptation efforts and acceleration of innovation.
  • Module 5: Mashups and Translation: The topic describes mashups and use cases for mashups, and mashup types. It also explains how to create mashups to integrate data.
  • Module 6: Analytics, Approvals, and Notifications: After covering this topic, SAP development consultants develop skills to data sources and create reports. They also learn about creating an approval process and defining notification rules.
  • Module 7: Mass Data Run Object: This topic of the C_C4H46_2408 exam is all about equipping development consultants about the knowledge of creating mass data run object so they can execute an action for many instances of a custom business object.
  • Module 8: Service Integration: SAP development consultants cover sub-topic related to creating service integration.
  • Module 9: SAP Cloud Applications Studio Overview: To design develop and deploy a SAP Cloud for Customer add-on solution, this topic explains how to use the SAP Cloud Applications Studio.
  • Module 10: Extensibility: The topic focuses on the creation of extension fields to extend software with data. SAP development consultants also learn about user interfaces and business logic in this topic.
  • Module 11: Business Configuration: The C_C4H46_2408 exam tests the proficiency of development consultants in creating a business configuration object and business configuration set.


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Q1. How can you add extension fields to a standard business object? NOTE: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

A.Create an element in an extension business object (xbo).

B. Create a field by using key user tools.

C. Create a new field on an embedded component.

D. Create a field in a custom business object.

Correct Answer: A, C

Q2. What technical element must be provided by cloud solutions from SAP to enable the use of the SAP extensibility Explorer?

A.An element

B. A data model

C. An anchor

D. A section group

Correct Answer: C

Q3. You need to create a script file that changes the status of a custom business object instance that is executed when a user clicks a UI button. What script file would you create to achieve this functionality?

A.Enhancement option

B. Reuse library

C. Action

D. Event

Correct Answer: C

Q4. You need to create an embedded component that is self-container. Data binding and controller logic need to be defined within that embedded component. What type of binding between the parent component and the embedded component would you choose?

A.Tight coupling by explicit binding

B. Loose coupling by node reference binding

C. Loose coupling by inport and outport context mapping

D. Tight coupling by node reference binding

Correct Answer: C

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