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SAP C_C4H45_2408 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – Integration Consultant – SAP Sales and Service Cloud Exam
Exam Code: C_C4H45_2408
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Integration Consultant – SAP Sales and Service Cloud Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_C4H45_2408 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_C4H45_2408 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Managing Clean Core: This section of the exam measures the skills of SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants and covers the concept of maintaining a clean core in SAP systems. It is crucial to understand how to keep the central system free from custom modifications. Candidates should be familiar with strategies for implementing a clean core while ensuring system integrity and performance.
  • Module 2: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Integration Foundations: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants are expected to demonstrate proficiency in the foundational aspects of integrating SAP Sales and Service Cloud. This section covers core concepts, architecture, and basic integration patterns.
  • Module 3: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Configuration and APIs: This section evaluates the knowledge of SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants in configuring SAP Sales and Service Cloud and working with its APIs. It covers various configuration settings and API usage. Candidates should be able to demonstrate skills in setting up communication systems and arrangements.
  • Module 4: Integration Connectivity: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants should showcase their understanding of integration connectivity in this section. Based on the C4H450_2311 course, covers various connectivity options and protocols used in SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration.
  • Module 5: SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA Configuration: This section focuses on the configuration aspects of SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA in the context of integration. It covers the necessary settings and customizations required for successful integration.
  • Module 6: Middleware Configuration: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants are expected to demonstrate knowledge of middleware configuration in this section, which comprises less than 10% of the exam. It covers the setup and management of middleware components used in SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration.
  • Module 7: Data Replication: This significant section focuses on data replication processes in SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration. It covers various aspects of data synchronization between systems. SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants should understand different data replication patterns and best practices.
  • Module 8: Extending the Integration: This section evaluates the ability of SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants to extend and customize integration scenarios. It covers techniques for enhancing standard integration processes. Candidates should be familiar with extension points and custom development options.
  • Module 9: Monitoring: The final module focuses on monitoring aspects of SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration. It covers tools and techniques for monitoring integration processes and troubleshooting issues. SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants should be able to use monitoring tools effectively.


Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate – Integration Consultant – SAP Sales and Service Cloud Exam
Exam Code: C_C4H45_2408
Related Certification(s):

  • SAP Certified Associate Certifications
  • SAP Integration Consultant – SAP Sales and Service Cloud Certifications
Certification Provider: SAP
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of C_C4H45_2408 practice questions in our database: 
Expected C_C4H45_2408 Exam Topics, as suggested by SAP :

  • Module 1: Managing Clean Core: This section of the exam measures the skills of SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants and covers the concept of maintaining a clean core in SAP systems. It is crucial to understand how to keep the central system free from custom modifications. Candidates should be familiar with strategies for implementing a clean core while ensuring system integrity and performance.
  • Module 2: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Integration Foundations: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants are expected to demonstrate proficiency in the foundational aspects of integrating SAP Sales and Service Cloud. This section covers core concepts, architecture, and basic integration patterns.
  • Module 3: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Configuration and APIs: This section evaluates the knowledge of SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants in configuring SAP Sales and Service Cloud and working with its APIs. It covers various configuration settings and API usage. Candidates should be able to demonstrate skills in setting up communication systems and arrangements.
  • Module 4: Integration Connectivity: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants should showcase their understanding of integration connectivity in this section. Based on the C4H450_2311 course, covers various connectivity options and protocols used in SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration.
  • Module 5: SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA Configuration: This section focuses on the configuration aspects of SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA in the context of integration. It covers the necessary settings and customizations required for successful integration.
  • Module 6: Middleware Configuration: SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants are expected to demonstrate knowledge of middleware configuration in this section, which comprises less than 10% of the exam. It covers the setup and management of middleware components used in SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration.
  • Module 7: Data Replication: This significant section focuses on data replication processes in SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration. It covers various aspects of data synchronization between systems. SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants should understand different data replication patterns and best practices.
  • Module 8: Extending the Integration: This section evaluates the ability of SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants to extend and customize integration scenarios. It covers techniques for enhancing standard integration processes. Candidates should be familiar with extension points and custom development options.
  • Module 9: Monitoring: The final module focuses on monitoring aspects of SAP Sales and Service Cloud integration. It covers tools and techniques for monitoring integration processes and troubleshooting issues. SAP Sales and Service Cloud Consultants should be able to use monitoring tools effectively.


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Q1. How is the SAP Sales and Service Cloud account number shown in the business partner record in SAP CRM?

A.External reference field

B. Identification number of type CRMPCD

C. Relationship assignment block

D. Custom field designated in the mapping

Correct Answer: B

Q2. What do you have to consider when you want to leverage SAP Cloud Connector when communicating from SAP Cloud Integration towards an on-premise system? Note: There are 2 correct answer to this question.

A.Maintain a Virtual-To-Internal system mapping inside of SAP Cloud Connector

B. Maintain On-Premise as the Proxy Type inside the integration flow configuration

C. Maintain Internet as the Proxy Type inside the integration flow configuration

D. Make sure to always connect exactly one subaccount to each SAP Cloud Connector

Correct Answer: A, B

Q3. What parameters need to be maintained in DRFOUT (Execute Data Replication) to send a material from SAP S/4HANA to SAP Sales and Service Cloud?Note: There are 2 correct Answer : to this questio n

A.Replication model

B. Logical web service port

C. Receiver system hostname

D. Outbound implementation

Correct Answer: A, B

Q4. What are the advantages of data filtering in SAP S/4HANA in comparison to the middleware?Note: There are 2 correct answer to this question.

A.Only filtering by BAdl is secure and allows enforced consistency

B. Reduced load on the middleware (eg SAP Process Orchestration or SAP Cloud Integration)

C. Data protection, which ensures that sensitive data NOT intended for external systems never leaves SAP S/4HANA

D. Automatic update of WSDL structure in the target system

Correct Answer: B, C

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