Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Sales Representative
Exam Code: Salesforce Sales Representative
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Sales Representative Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Actual Exam Duration: 105 Minutes
Number of Salesforce Sales Representative practice questions in our database: 126 (updated: Jan. 08, 2025)
Expected Salesforce Sales Representative Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :
- Module 1: Planning: In this topic, Salesforce Sales Professionals examine the elements of territory planning, such as account segmentation and prioritization. The focus of this topic is on creating approaches to engage key accounts effectively and developing robust business relationships with essential roles and personas.
- Module 2: Customer Engagement: In this topic, Salesforce Sales Professionals explore how to demonstrate thought leadership to shift customer perspectives and align solutions with needs. Moreover, the topic focuses on leveraging multiple touchpoints builds prospect interest, while nurturing relationships enhances product adoption.
- Module 3: Deal Management: Salesforce Sales Professionals learn to qualify prospects and progress them through sales stages. In this topic, emphasis is placed on understanding customer goals, challenges, and initiatives to present tailored value propositions. Identifying obstacles, gaining commitment, and finalizing contracts are integral steps to successful deal management, a crucial focus area of the exam.
- Module 4: Pipeline Management: In this topic, Salesforce Sales Professionals develop skills to generate and evaluate pipeline opportunities. Candidates also focus on analyzing pipeline health insights. It ensures data integrity, improves relevance, and enables accurate stage progression. These competencies underpin successful pipeline management strategies, measured in the Salesforce Certified Sales Representative Exam.
- Module 5: Forecasting: In this topic, Salesforce Sales Professionals assess forecast accuracy to drive opportunity consistency and evaluate risks and opportunities in business deals. Understanding key inputs for the forecasting process helps optimize predictions, an essential skill for the Salesforce Certified Sales Representative Exam.
- Module 6: Customer Success: While covering this topic, sales professionals identify actions required for order booking and fulfillment. Recognizing the post-sales customer journey and assessing expected and realized value ensures alignment with customer goals, a vital area of knowledge for the exam.
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